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When they got inside Casey offered Dennis a seat on the black leather sofa before heading to the kitchen to get some water for both of them. Once she finished filling up the glasses she leaned on the counter, the more rational part of her head was repeating one question over and over which was, what was she thinking?, she had just invited the very person who kidnapped her, attempted to kill Emma and had killed several others into her home when she was alone, he could do anything right now and she would be powerless to stop him.

However for some reason seeing Dennis in the state he was in outside earlier Casey was beginning to see him in a different light, maybe he wasn't as devoid of emotions as she had first thought and maybe there was a spark of humanity left inside him after all, whatever it was Casey was curious as to what might have caused this sudden change in character for Dennis.

Casey sighed grabbing the glasses of water and making her way back to the living room, where she saw Dennis cleaning the sofa with his yellow handkerchief, before folding it neatly and shoving it back into his pocket and finally sitting down still looking uncomfortable being in the same place as her .

"Hey I brought you some water, thought you might be thirsty" Casey said before setting the glasses down on the new coffee table Emma had brought to replace the one she had smashed.

Dennis nodded "Thank you" he said gratefully accepting his glass and taking a long sip before setting it back down on the table neatly. Casey joined him sitting on the opposite side of the sofa and facing his general direction, she let the silence continue for a few more minutes before she asked.

"What happened to you Dennis?"

Dennis shifted in his seat nervously before sighing "I don't know how to answer that" he muttered.

"I meant why did you choose to save Emma's life?" Casey explained

"Honestly I don't know, I just wanted to help somehow" Dennis mumbled

Casey could see him becoming uncomfortable with the conversation so decided to change tactics.

"Do you want to ask me something, that way we can both learn more about each other" Casey asked deciding that maybe the best way to get Dennis to open up might be to get rid of some of the pressure and let him ask things about herself as she was sure he had plenty of things he wanted to ask her as well.

Dennis nodded slowly before turning to face her, his eyes drifted to her abdomen before snapping back to her face, he took a deep breath before almost whispering

"Your pure you have scars..." he paused and Casey nodded encouraging him to continue "Who did that to you?" he asked.

"My Uncle" Casey managed to say "He's in jail been over a week now"

Dennis nodded "Who did you tell in the end?" he asked

"Emma, she sort of found out, she came over to question me about some things, my uncle didn't like that very much" 

"He hit you in front of her?" Dennis asked shocked

Casey nodded "It all worked out in the end though I suppose, he has a life sentence now and I doubt anyone will let him near me after everything he's done, not that I'd want to see him either"

"He made you stronger Casey, he was a beast in his own right and he was your demon to slay" Dennis replied looking down as he said it.

"And what about you Dennis, have you slayed your demons?" Casey asked inquisitively

Dennis smiled and let out a hollow laugh "I fear I may have helped them more than anything right now" he replied in a broken voice, tears threatening to spill from his eyes again.

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