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Emma had locked herself in her room and was currently staring out at the fields surrounding the house, she was struggling with the aftershock of her fight with The Beast and sleep was definitely not coming any easier than usual her anxiety seeing to that, she'd tried not to but she had overdosed again on those damned pills she had been supplied with in an attempt to drown the panic that had been spreading all over her and washing it down with a glass of alcohol and now she was paying the price for it, the nausea had hit her hard and she was groaning loudly , she closed her eyes trying to block out all feelings and staggered to the bed where she collapsed on the pillows moaning incoherently until she passed out.

She hated how reliant she was on her addictions, unfortunately she'd had them from a young age and had gotten so used to using it as a means to escape her pain and her demons that no matter how wrong it felt she just couldn't help herself.

She woke up suddenly sensing she wasn't alone

"Ohh not again" she moaned, she would never tell anyone about this but sometimes escaping problems this way could cause other problems to resurface in vivid visions or dreams, apparently this time would be no different.

"Get out, whatever you are, whoever you are I don't want you here...please just let me be" she yelled, chucking a glass towards her door.

"You've gotten worse since the last time we met" a soft familiar voice stated through the darkness.

"No, not her, anyone but her" Emma thought not ready to face this individual just yet

"Ouch, words can hurt you know...but then again you never really cared about that in this state did you Emma?" the voice called out from a distance pretending to act hurt by her words, as a beautiful auburn haired girl with stunning emerald eyes came into view in front of her.

Emma stared at her taking in her presence, she was just as beautiful as she remembered even if she had been created by her drug and alcohol addled mind.

"What are you doing her Laura?, your supposed to be dead" Emma asked bluntly rubbing her eyes.

"Only your mind I'm as alive as ever" Laura replied calmly, Emma closed her eyes breathing heavily and shaking her head.

"No I can't... you can't be here right now I'm busy" she stuttered.

Laura scoffed, looking slightly amused by Emma's discomfort before walking around her room, tutting as she saw all the old glasses that had been filled with whiskey as well as a few bottles lying around on the floor.

"So why are you feeling guilty this time hmm?" Laura asked eyebrows raised, Emma looked up in shock as Laura just rolled her eyes "Come on Emma the only reason you get this drunk is if your feeling guilty about something, and judging by the state of you...your feeling terribly guilty about something" Laura deduced.

"Maybe I just wanted to see you" Emma replied gesturing to the empty boxes of pills that were littering her bedside table.

"Hmm nope not enough drugs in the mix for that to be the case, although I would be flattered if it was, huh funny Emma I'm starting to know your habits better than even you" Laura answered smugly, damn she was smart, much to Emma's annoyance "So what's gotten into you for this to happen hmm? Laura asked sitting on the other side of the bed next to Emma, if she weren't a vision Emma would have been able to feel her familiar warmth taking away the coldness she had grown so accustomed to.

"I don't think that's any of your business" Emma slurred, still feeling the effects of the alcohol.

"It never bothered you before" Laura remarked

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