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Dennis snapped his eyes open, staring up at the familiar surroundings of his and Casey's room, his entire body was aching, he actually felt like he had been run over by a tank or something. He felt the familiar warmth of the one person he had been dying to see since Patricia banned him from the light and turned to face her.

She was sound asleep her head resting on his chest, her soft breaths tickling his skin and her arms gripping him tightly even in her sleep. He smiled thinly as he kissed her forehead and started stroking her hair causing her to stir slightly, she moaned before her warm brown eyes emerged still heavy from sleep and met with his piercing blue ones, realization suddenly dawned on her face.

"Dennis?" she whispered, surprise written on her face, Dennis nodded grinning at her before tears started making their way down her face "How are you...Patricia said you were asleep" she stammered as Dennis pulled her closer shushing her 

"I heard you" Dennis explained, stroking her tangled brown hair and breathing in her scent before Casey pulled away holding his head in her tiny, shaking hands.

"Your really here" she said giddily still not believing he had come back to her, after days of not knowing whether she would see him again or even if he was alright meant that the relief that she was feeling became overwhelming as the tears began to fall again.

"Shh, it's okay I'm really here, I promise" Dennis reassured her before bringing her into a passionate kiss which, in his opinion, was long overdue and he sensed Casey thought so too. They both broke away out of breath but happy to be in each others arms again.

"I've missed you so much" Casey mumbled resting her forehead against his, sighing contentedly

"Me too" he admitted closing his eyes to try and dull the stinging of tears he felt burning in his eyes.

"How did you come back?" Casey asked 

"Barry helped" Dennis answered 

"You two are working together now?!" Casey exclaimed, Dennis silenced her with another kiss, he wasn't ready to explain that and since he was running on limited time he didn't want to waste any of it on explanations.

"Can we talk about it later?, I'm's just that I don't know how much time I have out her and I just wanna be with you for now" Dennis pleaded slightly, looking up at her.

"Sure, but you do owe me an explanation later" Casey replied, Dennis nodded smiling at her.

"I thought I was never gonna see you again, when they put me in that were the only thing keeping me going" Dennis whispered.

"I never doubted you would find a way to come back to me" Casey promised, hands resting on his shoulders until Dennis picked one up and kissed it, before moving over to tower over her, causing her to gasp a bit when she hit the bed, being consumed by Dennis's protectiveness and grinning as he went to kiss her again, her hands travelling up his back and pulling him closer to her.

He only paused to take off his shirt, before he came down crashing his lips against hers again before travelling down her neck and nipping the skin hungrily, causing Casey to moan which only encouraged him to do it more.

He started lifting up her shirt and Casey lifted herself up sightly to help him take it off quicker, before his hands went to her bra which was quickly removed as well. Dennis wasted no time making his way down to suck on one of her nipples whilst Casey nipped at the skin on his neck, her hands unbuckling his trousers, which he quickly removed.   

His mouth came back up to hers, kissing her hungrily, before they both removed the remains of their clothing, Dennis looked into Casey's eyes her expression revealing to him how much she wanted him, she nodded at him signalling to him that she was ready, he kissed her again slowly before sliding into her, they both moaned as their bodies became accustomed to each other again before Dennis started to thrust slowly, picking up the pace if Casey wanted him to and waiting for her to tell him what else to do if anything, whilst she let her hands wonder up his back, his abdomen, pressing against his muscles which still twitched involuntarily under her touch and drove him crazy.

They both came to their climaxes fairly quickly, which neither of them minded, they were just ecstatic that they were both together again that they were quite content just to be in each others company and that was enough for them. Dennis rolled off of her after a while but never strayed away from her more than necessary, he brought her close to him and they stayed curled up in each others arms in blissful silence for awhile, Casey started drawing lazy circles on his side or tracing old scars, he wasn't too sure as he started playing with her hair.

She leaned forward and brought his head down to kiss him again.

"I'm so glad to have you back" Casey murmured, her voice so soft as she stroked his cheek with her thumb.

"Your the reason I am back" he answered gratefully, his voice gravelly as tiredness started to take over, resting his hand on hers and staring into her deep brown eyes "I love you Casey" he whispered, he would never get bored of saying that especially since it brought a huge smile onto Casey's face.

"I love you too Dennis" she replied, snuggling up closer to him never wanting to leave his comforting presence ever again.

They were both fast asleep soon after that, curled up in each others arms neither one of them eager to let go of the other as they both had the most blissful sleep both of them had ever had.


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