Meeting The Beast

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As soon as Emma had called David ensuring that back up was on its way Emma started jogging towards the direction where she last saw the suspects, this was a bit reckless considering there were other inmates that could have gotten out down there but since she hadn't seen anyone make a bid for freedom she was willing to take the risk. As she got closer to the entrance she could see the true extent of the damage done to the fence, the thick iron bars had been wrenched open so far they were starting to snap off.

"Damn your strong are't you?" Emma said aloud as she stepped through the gap The Beast had created and inspecting the scene on the other side she wanted to find out what she could before back up arrived that could give her any clues on what this Beast was up to.

"Shit" Emma muttered as she saw all the bodies, she ran up to one of them to examine the body and nearly urged when she knelt down to get a better look at him and covered her mouth with her hand.

His left arm was dislocated that much was certain but the most disturbing injury was the gaping hole on the right side of his abdomen where some of his intestines were hanging out some were also littered on the floor a few meters away from them.

"How could one man do all this?" Emma thought aloud again as she got up and scanned all the other bodies scattered around the entrance, she did this sometimes when she was alone at a crime scene it helped her to think and put all the pieces together 

"All dead, but all had guns, all of them fired and he wasn't wearing anything to protect him from the bullets if he was any normal person he'd be dead, we know hes's not but how could anyone survive an attack like this" Emma paced around as all these questions were forming in her mind.

"Ahhhh too many questions, but not enough answers" Emma exclaimed rubbing her hands through her hair breathing heavily she hated not knowing "Okay, okay focus Emma focus on what you know so far" she scolded herself.

"Okay so the twenty fourth identity of Kevin Wendell Crumb has been in hiding since the Philadelphia zoo incident and then decides to break in to an asylum which just so happens to hold Elijah Price, David's "arch enemy", think , think, think what was similar in both these incidents" Emma was turning around trying to pick up on anything she could have missed when it hit her.

"Both of these cases had deaths, murders committed by this Beast, but what else, oh, oh, oh, of course, in both these cases he spared a life, Casey and Price, but why?, there must be something linking them" Emma hypothesized as she was thinking she hadn't heard the entity that had sneaked up behind her.

"I could help with that answer if you want" The Beast replied with a wide psychotic grin "But what would be the fun in that" he mused as he strides towards Emma.

Emma recovering from her shock turned to face the man who had caused so much carnage over the past few weeks and gasped at the mere sight of him, he was just how David described him but it was obviously a lot scarier in person, now she realized why David had passed out after his vision of him, he was the definition of fear and destruction in a mans body. His chest was full of bruises where she suspected the bullets had hit him earlier and his veins were a dark shade of blue underneath the surface of his skin, his eyes were black and seemed to stare right into her soul, he was twice the size of her and seemed to  tower over her easily, making Emma take a step back.

"You must be Kevin it's nice to finally meet you" Emma mocked, her sarcasm still functioning despite the danger she was in.

"If you really have been doing your research you would know that I am not Kevin" The Beast growled unimpressed by Emma's less than scared tone.

"No your something else entirely are't you? funny I thought you'd be taller honestly" Emma smirked.

"You have a big mouth despite the danger you appear to be in Detective" The Beast remarked

"Oh I've become accustomed to threats and danger, if your trying to scare me your doing a poor job" Emma retorted again "So why are you here, you could be miles away from here right now and yet here you are, why?"

"I'm here to give you a friendly warning Detective Price, you've seen what I can do now and despite your sarcastic attitude I know you must fear me, I'll forgive you for your sarcasm, I'll even forgive you for the curfew you put in place to begin with" 

"Aww struggling to catch anymore innocent girls to eat huh" Emma interrupted her voice filled with false sympathy.

"You have made it harder for us to catch more impures granted, but I have a much more important goal to achieve so I'm going to tell you once, stay out of our way" The Beast threatened locking his void-less eyes onto Emma's cold stare.

"ha ha like I've already said Beasty threats don't work on me anymore, too many people have done that in the past so forgive me if I'm not impressed with that warning" Emma remarked.

As soon as she said that The Beast had lunged forward and grabbed her by the throat before pinning her to the wall.

"You are an insufferable girl arent you" The Beast whispered as Emma struggled to get enough oxygen in her lungs as his hand started tightening around her throat.

She was about to black out when all of a sudden his hands went slack and were removed from her throat altogether, leaving her to fall to the ground gulping in the much needed air that was entering her lungs.

"What are you doing Dennis?" The Beast nearly roared.

"We need to leave now, the police will be here soon I don't doubt we need to ge out of here now while we still can" as Dennis said this the sound of a distant siren started to sound. The Beast sighed before turning over to Emma and meeting her stare.

"Consider this your first and final warning Detective the next time we see each other you won't be so lucky, farewell detective" The Beast said before scaling the wall and disappearing out of sight leaving Emma kneeling on the floor struggling to breath.

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