Murderers face

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David woke up still sat in the wooden chair Emma managed to pull him into before he lost consciousness, he tried to sit up but immediatly felt dizzy so decided agaimst the idea and remained slouched in his chair. He looked around and saw Emma sat on a similar wooden chair, leaning forward, with her fae in her hands just a few meters away from him.

"Emma" David managed to croak out, but it got her attention since she moved her hands away from her face to reveal her weary, bloodshot eyes.

"Hey your awake, I was starting to worry you wouldn't wake up" she said relief written on her face as she passed him a cup of water which he gladly accepted

"Seriously how long have I been out for? he asked

"Just under an hour, but David seriously what happened to you in there, one minute you were fine the next you came out rambling incoherently before keeling over"

"I...I don't know, I felt fine until I finally saw him before he killed the girl, and what I saw wasn't good just his presence alone... he felt dangerous Emma are you sure you still want find this guy" David asked seriously

Emma raised an eyebrow "What did he look like?" she asked patiently interlocking her fingers together and leaning in her seat. David took a deep breath before closing his eyes to picture the nightmarish image.

 "He was tall and muscular, he had a buzz cut style haircut, he's at least twice the size of an average man, his veins were running all along his body sort of like a map on his skin, and his eyes were almost black from where the pupils had dilated so much and his smile... it was demonic, teeth filled with blood almost like he was an animal as opposed to a man, there was no mercy in that man's face" David's voice broke unable to carry on with the description of the murderer.

Emma sighed and looked down at the floor her shoulders slouching "I'm sorry I put you through that it was stupid and reckless and it won't happen again, I was just so desperate for answers I was willing to put you in harms way to get them" Emma looked back up disgust written in her face at what she had done.

"Hey your always forgiven Emma, I understand the pressure of trying to find answers when you can't I don't blame you at all" David reassured her "I do have one question though"

"Which is?" 

"Are you really going after this guy?"

Emma heaved a sigh as she stood up she looked older now, a huge responsibility had been placed on her back one he knew she wasn't going to put to rest until it was over, even at the cost of her own well being.

"I have to, he's a criminal, besides how many people will be put at risk if we let him be, a curfew won't stop him, it might make things more difficult but it's not a permanent solution, people, get careless and make mistakes, all it takes is for a few of them to still be outside after curfew and the whole cycle begins again and I'll be damned if I let that happen" Emma answered defiantly locking her eyes with Davids

Knowing she wasn't going to back down David broke contact from her icy stare, he knew she wasn't going to stop but this man, Kevin Crumb, seemed too much of a match for her.

"What do you plan to do next?" David asked to break the awkward silence that had filled the room making it difficult to breath. Emma turned her back to him and put her hands on her hips.

"I'm planing to meet Casey Cooke tomorrow, she's the only one that got away I want to make sure she is doing okay, also she may be able to answer any unanswered questions I now have, thank you for your help today David it really has been appreciated, anyway it's getting late and you should be spending this time with your family not here" Emma said making it obvious that their conversation was over for now.

"Okay just be careful and if you do need help please call me, you don't have to do this alone you know even if you think you do" Emma nodded in acknowledgement but didn't say anything else to that.

David could see she needed time by herself to think things through and wasn't willing to push her any further, besides today had been stressful enough without the need of making Emma angry as well so he bid her farewell one more time before heading to his car. When driving back home David felt worried about her, Kevin Wendell Crumb did not look like he would be an easy guy to bring in if at all and he was worried Emma was gong to do something reckless, which wouldn't be the first time. All he could do though was go home and wait for her to call him if she needed him, he'd learnt not to push her to far or she was willing to distance herself from you completely with no second thoughts, if she wanted to tell you something she would on her own terms, that's the way it would always be. So David would wait until that phone call happened no matter how long that took.        

Emma watched David leave before turning back to head towards her office. Once she got there she slumped in her office chair and wrote up the description she had been given about Kevin's appearance in David's vision. As bad as she felt for what had happened to him at least she finally got some information about her number one suspect "its a start" she thought as she looked at the description that was written up so far. 

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