Hello again

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Casey was walking back to her Uncles house still on the phone to David who was keeping her updated on Emma who was still checked into the hospital after her disastrous encounter with The Beast at the asylum the other night.

"She'll be okay, her injuries don't seem to be too bad and will heal in no time, I think her pride is the most wounded thing at the moment considering how we found her face first on a puddle of mud, I think some officers took pictures as well she'll be pleased to hear" David chuckled.

Casey couldn't help but smirk a little bit at that

"Has she woken up yet?" Casey asked hopeful that she might have the possibility to talk to her considering she wasn't allowed to stay at the hospital with her because of how busy it was with the press and everything, David thought it would be best for Casey to keep at low profile until things had settled down again.

"She has but no ones allowed to see her, doctors orders, she needs rest for now but you'll be the first to know when she's allowed visitors, I get the feeling you two will have a lot to talk about now" Casey hummed in response, she thought so to.

Casey heard someone calling David's name over the phone and heard him sigh down the phone before telling whoever it was that he would be on his way.

"Looks like I'm needed in there again, are you sure you'll be alright on your own again?" David asked concern lacing his voice.

Casey's smiled at the thought of how much him and Emma seemed to genuinely care about her, it was something she hadn't had in a long, long time and it was still a complete shock to her that it would come at such an unexpected time.

"I'll be fine David, I brought something to eat on the way home and it's not like I'm miles away from the hospital really, if I need something I'll let you know" Casey reassured him that she would call him if she needed anything before saying goodbye and putting the phone down and smiling to herself as she continued her way home.

During the last bit of her walk Casey reflected on how crazy her week had been so far, not so long ago she would have dreaded the walk home because it would mean she would be one step closer to her abusive uncle and the pain that she had become so accustomed to over the years, now she felt giddy with excitement knowing that she would never have to experience that ever again and that was because of one person, Emma price.

Casey had never had anyone stick up for her the way Emma had that day as she remembered how she grabbed his paw like hands and flipped him onto the now destroyed coffee table after he had hit her, that was the first time her uncle had ever been abusive in front of another person and she was sure he probably regretted that decision knowing where he was now. It was funny in a way how she thought she had always had to deal with a beast even before her kidnapping.

As Casey climbed up the steps to the porch she thought she heard someone moving behind her, she turned around to look but saw nothing, she shrugged it off deciding it was just her paranoia getting the better of her until she heard shuffling behind her again and turned around to look again just in time as she saw a familiar person wearing black ironed trousers and a matching shirt disappear down an alleyway on the opposite side of the road.

"Is he following me?" Casey wondered as she watched the alleyway again for any sign that he might come back, Casey reached for the door to the porch and opened it fully before slamming it as hard as she could before ducking behind the white fencing that surrounded the porch and peering through one of the small gaps that was between two of the slats.

She nearly gasped as she saw the familiar figure of Dennis walking out of the alleyway and staring in the direction of her house before crossing the road and standing just outside of it. His head turns towards the fence and his stern expression zeroes in on her hiding spot.

"You can stop hiding I know your there" Dennis called out in his low Bostonian accent as he waited expectantly for Casey to appear from the her hiding place.

"Why are you here Dennis are you following me is that what your doing?" Casey asked in a harsh tone.

"We.... I just wanted to see you again" Dennis mumbled

"Seriously and what makes you think I would want to see you again, after everything you put me through, your lucky I'm not calling the police right now" Casey exclaimed

"No, no don't do that, please, the others don't even know i'm here and I'd really like to keep it that way please" Dennis begged locking his ice blue eyes onto hers.

"Why are you here Dennis?" Casey huffed

"I wanted to apologize for everything that we... that I put you through, it was wrong I know that now and I'll understand if you hated me for itif I had known you were pure I would never have put you through any of that please you gotta believe me"" Dennis said looking ashamed as he gazed down at the floor, breathing heavily trying to control the sudden rush of emotions that threatened to take over.

"I'm surprised you had time to fit me in around your busy schedule, what are you planning next I wonder maybe a massive heist that will certainly bring you more celebrity status" Casey scoffed knowing full well how much of a low blow that was but it felt good to finally direct some of the anger that had been built up since she was rescued at the person responsible for all of this.

"I had no say in any of that, the asylum, attacking the detective, that was all The Beast"

"I know but you helped him so technically those crimes, those deaths are all on you to"

"I tried to stop him I really did" Dennis tried to explain

"Hmm somehow I really doubt that, now if you'll excuse me it's getting late and the curfew will be starting at any moment, goodbye Dennis, good luck with whatever it is you want to achieve with this" Casey turned to walk away towards the door when Dennis spoke again

"I saved her life you know" Casey paused a few steps away from the door before turning to face him again, his eyes tearing up as he said "That night at the asylum... that detective, The Beast was gonna kill her I could see right through his plan I,I wanted to do something so I convinced Hedwig to give me the light... just long enough for me to let go of her, as she fell The Beast... he was furious, so I lied saying that the cops were on their way, when we got home, he called me pathetic, threatened me... he said if I tried anything like that again he would make sure I never got the light again... he said he would make me sleep like Kevin... the only difference, he said, the only difference between me and Kevin is that no one would miss me" his voice broke as he heaved in massive great big sobs, leaning on the fence unable to carry on with the story.

Casey tried not to feel sorry for him but it was hard not to after his story and how much he seemed to effected by it. Casey almost couldn't believe this was the same guy who had kidnapped him all those weeks ago. Dennis back then was stoic, stern and emotionless. Now he was the complete opposite, he seemed to carry the weight of every decision he had made on his shoulders, he seemed vulnerable and another thing Casey wouldn't have believed him to be able to feel but Dennis looked scared, like a rabbit caught in headlights where any move he made could be his last.

Once he had somewhat recovered enough to stand up again an idea came to her head.

"Why don't you come inside with me, we can talk more about what's bothering you"

Dennis hesitated probably considering if it was some sort of trick, before shaking is head and saying "I shouldn't, I mean we should be heading home anyway" Dennis mumbled.

"Just for a few minutes Dennis it doesn't have to be for long" Casey persuaded

"You seriously trust me enough to invite me into a house by yourself you must be crazy"   

"Trust me after the week I've had so far inviting you into my house is probably the most normal thing that's happened" Casey remarked, making Dennis smile a little bit, his usual stern expression was replaced with a more relaxed one which Casey thought made him look cute, she shook that thought out of her head before leading him inside the house and shutting the door.

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