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Emma heard rustling and cupboards being opened and shut in one of the spare rooms in the house, she wondered if it could be another alter since she couldn't find Dennis anywhere. She had to admit after meeting Patricia for the first time she was slightly apprehensive about meeting the others, Emma could tell instantly that Patricia had a dangerous aura, every cell in her body had been screaming at her to run, she almost reminded her of the old lady who had adopted her first she had also had a calm demeanor which was a mask for her silent rage, the similarities did not help ease her worry.

There was something about meeting Kevin's alters that intrigued her though, he was the only other person she had met that had DID and she found that a little overwhelming but definitely relieving, for a long time despite the fact that she had five other people living in her head Emma always felt like she was alone, she knew other people had DID but it always seemed like they lived on a different planet because she had never encountered anyone else who had it until now. She couldn't understand how they coped with so many personalities in one body, having six was often a struggle especially when one of them was a less than discrete psychopath who thought everything and everyone was a threat, but twenty four sounded like a nightmare she had to admire them it couldn't be easy to keep that many of them happy all the time she remembered the constant arguments she would have to endure with her alters if something changed their schedule last minute, usually her and Harper managed to come to a compromise in the end but it would leave them both exhausted afterwards. She used to hate those arguments and now it was funny how much she would give to have them back, she sighed before opening the door to see what was happening.

It was definitely one of Kevin's alters but it was one she hadn't met before, he was wearing a yellow and black jacket and baggy blue jeans and he was busy pulling out a blue plastic box full of Lego, Emma had completely forgotten that once upon a time this room belonged to Denzel, she had cleared most of the furniture out a long time ago but she couldn't bring herself to get rid of his toys so they had been kept in the cupboards in boxes.

"Hey what're you doin here?" Hedwig's question brought Emma back to the present as she focused on the confused look on the nine year old's face.

"I just heard a lot of noise and wanted to make sure everything was alright" Emma said

"Everything's fine, I just got bored etcetera...hey your the detectiv lady" Hedwig exclaimed

Emma chuckled "Yep that's me" she nodded, sitting down next to Hedwig who was busy fishing out different colored bricks and building something with them "I'm not supposed to talk to you"

"Why not?" Emma asked

"Miss Patricia says so....she says your tryin to turn Mister Dennis against us" he said with a pout "Are you?" 

"No Hedwig I'm not, I'm trying to help you guys" 

"I don't believe you" Hedwig muttered "Your gonna get me into trouble etcetera"

"Trust me Hedwig I'm not trying to" Emma reassured 

"La, la, la I'm not listening" Hedwig shouted putting his hands to his ears, Emma shook her head, marveling at the similarities between Denzel and Hedwig, it was an impossible task trying to make Denzel do anything once he had made up his mind and would sulk for hours before coming around, seemed like Hedwig was going to be exactly the same. So Emma started absentmindedly playing with the toys until Hedwig was ready to talk again.   

After a few minutes of silence Hedwig looked over and saw her working on an old transformers toy.

"Hey what is that?" Hedwig's curiosity getting the better of him

"It's a transformer, called bumblebee" Emma explained as she finished putting it into robot mode "Would you like to hold it?" she asked, Hedwig hesitated before saying

"What if Miss Patricia finds out?...I could get in trouble etcetera" 

"Well Miss Patricia doesn't have to know, I won't tell her if you don't" Emma promised handing him the toy whilst looking into Hedwig's still suspicious eyes until his playful side took over and he snatched the toy out of her hand.

"This is so cool" he yelled marveling the toy

"You can keep it if you like" Emma suggested, Hedwig looked up at her giving her a huge grin

"Thanks" Hedwig responded "Does this mean we're friends now etcetera?"

"Yeah I think it does" Emma answered smiling back

"Yay what do you wanna do now?" Hedwig asked excitedly

"Well Hedwig I was hoping you could do something for me" Emma said carefully not wanting to say or do anything to put the boy on edge or lose what little trust she had gained.

"What?" Hedwig asked

"I need to talk to one of the others but I might need you to go and get them for me" Emma said

"Who is it?" Hedwig asked, Emma move closer to Hedwig before whispering 

"I need you to get Barry for me"

Hedwig's eyes widened "No, no I can't do that, he's not supposed to have the light anymore" he answered frantically

"Okay then what about Dennis?" she asked 

"Miss Patricia doesn't want you to talk to him either" 

"Hedwig please it's really important" Emma begged

"I can't she'll get mad etcetera" he stuttered, Emma sighed before she came up with another idea.

"Hedwig do you know how to play rock,paper, scissors?" Emma asked

"Duh everyone does" he replied "Why are you asking?"

"Because I want to play" Emma said

"Ohhh okay" Hedwig said becoming excited again

"There are rules okay, if I win you let me talk to Dennis"

"And if I win?" he asked raising his eyebrows 

"I don't know what would you like Hedwig?" Emma asked

"I want a massive bowl of ice cream, Miss Patricia won't let me have it very often, she says it makes me hyper etcetera" Hedwig decided

"Okay then ice cream it is" Emma replied 

"Just don't get upset when I beat you cos I'm really good etcetera" Hedwig grinned 

"I guess we'll find out, when I win" Emma replied, making Hedwig giggle hysterically as they got ready to play. 

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