Parents guilt

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Emma was just about to release a statement to the press after the most recent discoveries that they had made. It hadn't been an easy afternoon, both the girls parents were informed about their daughters demise, the mother of the blonde haired girl, Claire, collapsed and broke into a fit of tears after Emma had told them about their daughters fate. Emma tried to comfort them but she knew the only thing they would want right now was justice which could only be granted to them when the murderer was put behind bars, her job was to make sure that happened.

Emma was walking towards the press when someone grasped her arm in a vice like grip, Emma instinctively flinched away from the contact hating herself as a small whimper left her, she turned around to face the person who still had his hand locked onto her arm and realized it was Claire's father.

His eyes were puffy and bloodshot and held a mixture of sorrow and anger, his face was streaked with the remains of tear streaks that had made their way down his face and his shirt was all crinkled where his wife had been holding onto him when she was crying. Emma managed to wrench her arm free before turning around to face him.

"What can I  do for you sir?" She asked warily, she knew what people were like in the stages of grief and Claire's father had been hit the most by this revelation, Emma knew he felt guilty about being knocked unconscious and letting Kevin drive away with the girls but his guilt was slowly bu surely turning into hatred for the killer and hatred made people do stupid things.

"I know your busy and all so I'll make this quick, I need to ask you a favor" he said in a quiet but manic tone.

"what is it?" Emma asked nervously not liking where this conversation is going, she could feel goosebumps starting to form all up her arms.

"When you catch that son of a bitch, not if but when, I want you to kill him for me" he stated like he'd just asked her to do his weekly shopping.

"Sir I understand that you are upset, you want justice this is the most normal response to something like this, but what your asking from me will make neither of us any better than him, you understand this I know you do, think about your daughter she wouldn't want you to do this" Emma tried to reason with him hoping that the mention of his daughter may diffuse him somewhat.

The man chuckled maniacally before saying in a cracked voice full of raw emotion "My daughter was torn apart like an animal and your saying you won't do anything about it, ha and you call yourself police officers" 

"Yes that's right we are police officers not vigilantes sir, now I can assure you that we are doing everything in our power to catch the suspect what I will not do is standby or take part in murdering someone, no matter if they are a criminal or not now if you'll excuse me I have to make a  statement to the press" 

With that Emma walked away from the father and went to Briggs before stepping in front of the cameras she whispered to him 

"Keep an eye on Claire's father I think he may try to cause trouble for us" Briggs nodded in response as Emma walked off to face the press. 


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