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As The Beast came charging towards her, Emma's FBI training started to take over she jumped out of the way and rolled to the other side of the room just in time and watched as The Beast went charging into the wall making a loud thud and growled in frustration.

Emma took the opportunity to reach out to Dennis again, praying that he was still in there somewhere listening to her.

"Dennis please I know your in there, just listen to me, I need you to fight this" Emma yelled

"Dennis is gone, you will never see him again" The Beast snarled, hitting the wall causing it to crumble.

Emma stared into his soulless eyes "You couldn't bring yourself to let him kill me before, I don't believe you'll let him get away with it again...please we need you to come back" Emma pleaded.

The Beast growled and charged at her again, Emma tried to jump out of the way again but The Beast saw through her plan and grabbed her by the collar throwing her on the floor, Emma gasped as the air was ripped from her lungs and The Beast towered over her grinning psychotically, Emma tried to get back up but The Beast grabbed her throat squeezing it tightly making it impossible for Emma to get enough oxygen.

"Dennis..." she croaked 

"You really think you can stop me, you are puny compared to me, I am a God you insignificant worm" he bellowed

Emma was about to pass out before she heard a loud smashing sound  as something hit The Beast's head causing him to fall to the side, releasing Emma's throat as he did. Emma got up gasping for air looking up at Casey who was holding the remains of a small chair.

"Are you okay?" Casey asked

Emma was about to reply when she heard The Beast groan recovering from the blow Casey had dealt him.

"Run" Emma manage to yell as she grabbed Casey and ran out of the room slamming the door shut behind her.

"Emma what the hell is going on?" Casey yelled her eyes glaring at her

"Hedwig's a sore loser that's what's going on" Emma replied barricading the door with a large wooden table, she knew it wouldn't stop him but it might slow him down whilst she formulated a plan.

"What does that even mean?" Casey asked throwing her arms around to show her exasperation

"Okay long story short, I played a game of rock, paper, scissors in order to convince Hedwig to let me talk to Dennis, I won but the kid had given the light to Patricia who told me that they made Dennis sleep and now The Beast wants to kill me because I know too much and I'm the only one standing in their way" Emma explained as she ran down the stairs and opening a small safe hidden behind a painting and grabbing a pistol and loading it with a full magazine.

"What?... why did they make Dennis sleep before you talked to him?" Casey asked becoming more and more confused

"He said he wouldn't help them anymore so they made him sleep, I tried reaching out to him but The Beast is a nasty piece of work and is probably keeping him at bay for now" Emma said readying the pistol to fire, before looking at Casey's bowed head as the realization that Dennis had been subdued hit her hard "Casey...Casey hey look at me" Emma said sternly kneeling down and grabbing her shoulders, forcing her to meet her gaze "We'll get him back, I promise...hey I promise, but right now we have to deal with The Beast" Emma whispered defiantly her blue eyes full of a new rekindled determination.

Casey nodded before drawing her attention back to the crashing on the wooden door and The Beast's angry snarls as he continued attacking the door, thankful that the doors all around the house were all quite thick.

"What did you have in mind?" Casey had to ask as she looked back at Emma who had a mischievous grin on her face which made her wish she hadn't asked.

"Just a spot of redecorating, I've been waiting for an excuse to get rid of that ugly chandelier for a while" Emma replied looking up at the large chandelier which was hanging from the ceiling directly underneath them in the corridor.

"Your going to knock him out with a chandelier?" Casey asked

"Hopefully, if not he'll have a hard time getting out of there quickly, I have some of those sedatives I used on you, but much stronger there in the safe, it should be enough to knock him out if the chandelier doesn't, take them and stay hidden until I call your name okay" Emma ordered and Casey nodded

"Good luck" Casey whispered before hiding in the next room just as the door gave in to The Beast's brutal attacks sending splinters in all directions as The Beast stormed out of the room in a blinding fury making his way down the stairs glaring at Emma.

"You dare try to imprison me, you will pay dearly for that!" he roared stalking down the stairs eyeing his prey , noticing the pistol in her hand "You should know by now that your weapons are inferior compared to my strength Detective, I'm disappointed in you" he sneered at her.

Emma waited patiently as The Beast carried on making his way down the stairs slowly, he wasn't in position yet just a few more steps before he could take the shot, she decided to humor him until then.

"Honestly Beasty I don't want to use this on you, just let me talk to Dennis I might be able to persuade him to work for you again" she reasoned, The Beast chuckled his maniacal grin stretching out as far as it could.

"You take me for a fool, I am not as gullible as the boy you tried to persuade earlier nor am I a weak minded fool like your friend Dennis, I will not be swayed by any offer given to me by you filthy impure...and now it is time for you to die" he growled before striding towards Emma at lightning fast speed.

Fortunately for Emma her years as an agent and a detective had made her reflexes insanely quick and she took the shot as soon as The Beast had pounced for her the bullet easily destroyed the singular metal chain that was keeping the chandelier in place and sent it crashing down on top of The Beast who was engulfed underneath the sheer weight and size of it.

The Beast growled and tried to get up but was pinned in place by the heavy object that had fallen on him and his rapidly waning strength meant that he was too weak to lift it off of himself and the sheer exhaustion of trying to free himself eventually left him weakened and dazed. Before he could think more on his predicament he suddenly felt an unpleasant sting on the back of his neck and the feeling of something being injected into him which made him growl in frustration as he couldn't do anything to stop it. As soon as the needle had been taken out The Beast started to feel groggy, sleep was starting to invade all of his other thought processes and his head started falling becoming increasingly heavier than usual. Before he slipped out of consciousness Emma appeared from behind him.

"Detective...this isn't over" he managed to growl before his mouth turned to rubber as the sedative took over.

"I know Beasty I know" Emma whispered before he blacked out completely.              


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