Saying goodbye

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Dennis sat next to Casey on a chair near the bed, his hands linked together as he rested his chin on them, she was fast asleep. It had been hours since his private conversation with Stevens and he'd made the decision to turn himself in, Casey, of course knew nothing about it, she'd pleaded with him to tell her but Dennis had shut her down quickly telling her not to worry about it. She wasn't happy about it but eventually she let it go.

Dennis stared down at her and would never stop getting bored of watching her sleep. She looked more at ease and all the worry and stress she carried was gone, replaced with a relaxed expression, with a small smile on her face. Dennis had made sure that their possible last night together had been as good as it could be given the circumstances, he'd worshiped her and had given her everything she wanted, when they had finished they were both exhausted but happy, they had wrapped their arms around each other and Casey was asleep before long, which is when Dennis had slipped out of the bed and got ready to face Stevens.

Dennis couldn't sleep anyway, his brain was too wired for sleep as he thought about the possibility of what could happen after he'd turn himself in, he knew he was taking a big risk but he didn't care. He didn't know Stevens well but he could tell he was someone who would do anything to get rid of him.

The others had tried to convince him not to do this and they had had lengthy conversations on everything wrong with his plan, but Dennis couldn't bring himself to care. The Beast in particular wasn't happy about his plan but he had promised to keep Casey safe so he reluctantly gave in.

Dennis looked at his watch and knew that he had to get going but a part of him just wanted to be with Casey, he stroked her hair before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead before slowly getting up and walking to the door, he turned around one last time before he left their room for what could be the last time.

He was just putting his shoes on when he heard footsteps come from behind him, he turned to see David Dunn studying him.

"Where are you going at this time of night?" he asked

"I'm uh just going for a walk" Dennis lied, he didn't fully trust David yet but judging by the look on his face he wasn't fooled

"Your turning yourself in aren't you?" he asked in disbelief, Dennis nodded to confirm and David shook his head with a shocked expression "Does Casey know?"

Every word of that felt like a punch in the gut and Dennis had to take a few deep breaths to keep himself calm before answering.

"No, she would have tried to stop me otherwise, which would make this ten times harder than it already is" he explained and his voice cracked. David nodded in understanding, but still looked puzzled.

"Why are you doing this?"

"To keep her safe, she shouldn't have to keep living with this fear every day, it also gives us a way to free Emma"

"What?" David asked eyebrows raised

"It was part of the deal, if I turn myself in Emma walks free" Dennis explained.

David considered this before saying "If you get Emma out, I promise we will find a way to free you too" he promised.

"Don't, the best thing you can do for me right now is look after her, if I know she's got you and Emma to look out for her then I can sleep a little easier knowing that she's safe" Dennis replied.

"Wow you really do love her don't you?"

"More than anything, but she deserves better than what I can give her" Dennis said solemnly bowing his head.

"You know I think she'd disagree with that" David said with a chuckle, Dennis gave a small smile at that.

"I think your probably right" he said "Goodbye Mr Dunn it was nice to meet you" he said extending his hand which David took shaking it firmly, before letting go suddenly.

"You alright?" Dennis asked, looking at David concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, that was weird" David exclaimed

"What was it?" Dennis asked

"Uh nothing, I'll see you around Dennis" David stammered before turning away and leaving the room.

Dennis watched him leave through narrowed eyes, he was hiding something from him but right now wasn't the time to be dealing with something like that, he turned around and walked to the front door, sighing softly as he began his lonely walk to the location Stevens would be waiting for him.

He let The Beast take the light since he was the fastest and they were running out of time.

"I hope this girl is worth it Dennis" The Beast growled.

"Trust me Casey is worth it" Dennis answered

"I wasn't talking about her" The Beast snarled

"The Detective?, of course she is she saved our lives countless times, plus she cares about Casey, I think she's worth saving" Dennis responded as The Beast skidded to a halt a short distance away from the old railway station they were told to meet Stevens.

"We shall see" The Beast responded, before giving Dennis the light.

Dennis slowly walked the final steps of his freedom before hearing shouting in the distance, Dennis took a deep breath before walking in the direction of those voices.

"Okay ladies, place your bets, who thinks, Emma will die today?" Stevens yelled, cheering went up from some of the crowd "Okay and who thinks Mister Crumb will come through?" he asked again followed by more cheering from the crowd .
the bastards were betting on whether he would show up and that made Dennis mad very quickly.
Dennis slipped out of his hiding place and made his way towards them.
"Stevens" Dennis shouted.
The crowd fell silent as they watched Dennis slowly walk towards them. Stevens recovered first and smiled with a greed in his eyes.
"Well, well, well, look who showed up boys" Stevens smirked .
The doors locked behind him, leaving Dennis trapped inside with these lunatics.

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