Long night

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"In the sun we will find our passion" said a familiar tone

Casey's eyes snapped back open as she looked up to see someone she wasn't too pleased to see again

"In the sun we will find our purpose, hello dear it's good to see you again" Patricia's calm tone greeted Casey.

"Patricia, what are you doing here?" Casey asked, the exhaustion leaving her, being replaced with fear.

Other than The Beast, out of all the alters she had met Patricia made her the most nervous. She had an aura which made you feel uneasy, one moment she was making sandwiches for you to eat and then the next she would be making subtle threats at you if you did something wrong. Casey never really knew where she stood with Patricia, the last t time she saw her had been when The Horde managed to subdue all the alters and make Kevin sleep.

"I am just here to check on you dear, Dennis told me what happened to your friend the detective, he seemed rather shook up by it all, unsurprisingly really he can't stand the sight of blood" Patricia mused.

"If he wasn't there Emma would have died there and then, why do care anyway Patricia?" Casey responded

Patricia hummed in amusement at that "Despite what you think about me Casey I do care an awful lot about you and your friend, did you know my purpose was to care for Kevin"

Casey shook her head 

"Yes I was a replacement to that brute he had of a mother and I think I did a marvelous job of it" Patrica carried on.

"How can you even think that when you and The Beast are putting him in harms way all for some stupid mission" Casey snapped

"We are making the world a better place for him, these filthy impures know nothing of our pain or suffering and should not be allowed to live" Patricia argued

"Are those your words or The Beasts?" Casey asked

"They are our words my dear, those who will never reach their full potential will never really matter, surely being pure yourself you should see that" Patricia responded.

"I may not see eye to eye with the people who are living better lives than me, but I can never use that to justify what you are doing now" Casey spat "Now if this is all your conversation will be about, please just leave me alone" she turned away hearing Patricia breath loudly through her nose.

"Tell me Casey do you pray?" she asked

"What?" Casey asked confused by the change in conversation 

"Do you pray?" she asked again, Casey shook her head "Then I will pray hat your friend makes a full recovery for you" she nodded.


"She saved our lives, I don't think we've ever had someone show that much compassion towards us before, she is someone who deserves to live wouldn't you agree?" Patricia explained, Casey nodded her head and Patricia smiled briefly before her soft features were replaced by Dennis's more stern expression.

"Dennis?" Casey reached out, he looked angry for some reason

"What did she want?" he said in a harsh tone

"She just wanted to know if I was alright, what happened?" Casey explained 

"Hedwig he just randomly gave Patricia the light without asking me first, I told them they could see you in the morning but they just never listen" Dennis ranted, resting his head n his hand "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"It's okay Dennis, I'm fine" Casey said resting her head on his shoulder

"I just don't want to scare you" Dennis whispered

"You won't don't worry" Casey reassured, kissing him on the cheek

"What did I do to deserve you?" he asked with a smile

"I believe you followed me home one evening then saved me from a group of thugs"Casey replied before chuckling, making Dennis blush but laugh as well.

"We've come a long way haven't we?" He said, linking their fingers together

"Indeed we have" Casey smiled, before he leaned in and kissed her, a slow passionate kiss that held a promise that everything would be alright in the end, they broke away resting their foreheads against each others.

"I love you, no matter what happens" Dennis whispered to her, breathing heavily and holding her head in his hands.

"I love you too" Casey answered back, placing her hands over the top of his and smiling up at him.Casey chuckled a little bit and Dennis looked at her confused

"What is it?" he asked

"I'm just wondering what Emma would say if she saw us now" Casey said, causing Dennis to grin

"She'd probably yell at us to get a room" he chuckled before kissing her again "We should probably get some more sleep whilst we have a chance, don't know the next time we'll be able to" Dennis said, remembering they were going to find out whether Emma would make it or not, he didn't want to say it but he was terrified about that.

Casey nodded before snuggling up to him 

"I want you to promise me something" she said, he voice heavy as sleep took over.

"Anything" Dennis replied looking down at her

"Don't ever do anything like that again, because if Emma doesn't make it your the only other person that I care about I'll have left" Casey mumbled

"Don't think like that, have faith in her" Dennis whispered softly

"But if she doesn't, I want to know that I'll always have you" Casey said

"I will always be there for you, I'm sorry I left you, I know it was stupid and I won't do it again I promise" Dennis held her closer after that and slowly she fell asleep.

Dennis stroked her hair as he slowly drifted off to sleep, this was the longest night of his life and he just wanted it to be over. 

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