Making a move

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As soon as they came downstairs they knew something was definitely wrong, Emma was shaking with either fear or rage they couldn't tell and she was pacing around the sitting room breathing heavily her eyes closed as she tried to get a grip on her emotions.

Dennis and Casey stepped into the room anxious about what they were going to hear

"Took your bloody time!" she exclaimed as she saw them, she looked rough and her voice sounded like she'd been eating gravel, her bloodshot eyes glaring at them.

"What's wrong Emma?" Casey asked as she watched her friend pace up and down the room with her hands behind her back.

"For weeks now I've been waiting for my brother and Stevens to make some sort of move which would give away what they are up to...they've been silent for the most part until now" Emma replied her hands trembling as she held out her phone"Watch this you'll see what I mean" she spoke angrily as she handed her phone to Dennis.

Once he had the phone Dennis pressed play on the video that was displayed and what they saw made their hearts sink, David Dunn had been captured and was now tied up on the floor, he looked unconscious as he was hardly moving.

"Well, well, well, did you miss me?, I expect that you must be extremely boring for you at the moment just languishing away...drinking yourself to death." Stevens smiled evilly down the camera before moving away from the camera slightly "Well as you can see we have your friend here, so much for the Unbreakable man he was quite easy to take down in the end...but your probably wondering why we took him, well Emma, it seems that you and your friends require a certain type of incentive so thanks to your brother we have done just that...I hope your ready because I will only be saying this once" he chuckled before clearing his throat.

"If you want to save your friend meet us at the old railway'll understand why I'm sure, if not your there are several bombs located at different areas in the city..if you don't show up I'll let them blow up and you will be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent lives" Stevens promised revealing the detonator in his hands.

"I know that you won't let that happen so I'm sure we will see each other very soon, oh and I do hope that you will do better than last time...I'd hate for the fight to be over too quickly" Stevens smirked "Until the next time farewell freaks" he replied turning away from the camera as the video stopped.

There was a long silence as Dennis and Casey took in what they had seen, they both jumped when Emma hit the wall to her right yelling as she did it.

"Emma!" Casey exclaimed running towards her, noticing her deep breathing "Calm down" 

"He's trying to take everything from me" Emma growled as she knelt on the floor crying

"Emma please listen to me" Casey pleaded kneeling down to face her and placing her hands on her shoulders "He hasn't taken everything away, we're still here and David's still alive, we will find a way to fix this I promise" she said defiantly bringing Emma into a hug

"He's the closest thing I have to a father...I can't lose him too" Emma sniffled

"You won't I promise" Casey answered as Dennis joined them on the floor placing a comforting hand on Emma's shoulder.

"Emma...before you and Casey came into my life...I had nothing, no family, no one to care about me, I just had the others and Kevin and even they didn't always care about me, but now I have two incredibly strong and amazing people in my life that have become my family, I wanna help you feel the same way and make your family whole as well, but we can't do this without you and you don't have to do this alone cos we're here for you" Emma pulled away from Casey to look at both of them and smiled, a proper genuine smile for the first time in ages.

"Thank you guys, so much, I don't know where would I be without you right now" she said rubbing the tears away from her eyes and putting on a brave face.

"So are you in?" Casey asked her

"Well I got nothing better to do I suppose...Hell yeah I'm in, let's go and settle this once and for all" Emma answered, jumping up and heading upstairs to get ready.

Casey and Dennis stood up as well watching Emma run up the stairs before turning to face each other both wearing concerned faces.

"She's been drinking again hasn't she?" Casey mumbled, reaching out to hold his hand

"It would appear so" Dennis sighed tightening his grip on her hand

"I thought she was getting better" Casey replied dejectedly 

"Give her time, that's all it takes when trying to get over something like this, she will get better I know it" Dennis assured her reaching out to hold her.

"Do you think it's a good idea to take her to Stevens...I mean he has caused her so much pain, what if it makes her worse not better?"

"We all have to face our demons eventually, besides I don't think we have much of a choice, if we don't all show I don't know if Stevens will live up to his threat and set those bombs off or not" Dennis answered "What ever happens we'll still be together" he added noticing the troubled look on Casey's face before bringing her in for a kiss, making Casey forget all her problems and everything that was worrying her. 

They broke away and Dennis stared into her eyes

"No matter what happens, I am so glad you followed me home that night" Casey whispered and Dennis chuckled 

"Yeah it was totally worth me getting stabbed" Dennis said sarcastically as Casey giggled reaching out to cup his face

"That was your fault as I recall" she answered before bringing him in for one more kiss "I love you so much"

"I love you too" Dennis answered deeply holding her small body in his arms as they waited for Emma to come back down.         

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