Fight together

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Emma had just nailed The Beast with a particularly nasty headbutt which had made him stagger away from her slightly causing him to become disorientated. She took this as an opportunity to accomplish pulling David out of the water completely and laying him on his side, feeling releived when she found a faint but steady pulse, she slipped a gun into his hand before checking out the chunk of flesh The Beast had torn out completely just above her shoulder, It hurt needless to say 

"I really hope you don't have rabies" she taunted as The Beast studied her trying to find a weakness, Emma took out the knife she took from Stevens and got into her fighting stance

"Tell me detective why do you persist so much when you know I'm stronger than you" The Beast asked.

"Because if I don't then who will be left to stop you?" Emma answered 

"Don't you see you fight a lost cause, you will lose"

"Maybe...maybe I will but I'll go down doing something" Emma said defiantly 

"You would rather die  for people who don't even care about you instead of helping me rid the world of those who don't know what pain is...who don't know suffering.."

"Who don't have the same values as us, yes we've heard  this all before, they're impure, not worthy of life etcetera, etcetera...yeah I would" Emma interrupted "Just because I have had a bad past does not mean for one second that I agree with you" 

"Then you will die a traitor" The Beast snarled 

"Then stop talking about it and get on with it" Emma yelled back as she got ready to fight him for the last time, The Beast roared and started charging towards her, Emma sidestepped easily and managed to give him a large cut down his rib cage, he cursed at the already healing wound as Emma turned around twirling the knife in her hand.

"Come on Dennis help me out here" she called trying to reach out to him and get his attention.

"You won't be seeing Dennis again!" The Beast cried out defiantly, before shaking his head slightly

"He's losing control" Emma thought a small smile making it's way to her face "Looks like you might be wrong about that Beasty" Emma answered causing The Beast to lash out at her again, she blocked the blow and slashed the knife at his face cutting the skin on his cheek, The Beast kicked her in the gut winding her before he backed away slightly, staring at her with hatred.

He was about to charge at her again when his hands went to the side of his head and he started yelling in pain 

"Ahh what, what is happening?!" The Beast yelled collapsing on the floor "No why are you doing this?" 

"You rule is at an end vile creature" Orwell spoke

"Yeah get outta our head stupid Beast" Jade's fiery voice yelled defiantly

"Your not enough to stop me, I am more powerful than you know!" The Beast growled

"Maybe alone but together we can" Kevin suggested 

"Kevin why are you awake you weakling?" The Beast lashed out

"Don't listen to him Kev" Barry reassured before his voice switched back to Kevin's weaker and softer voice

"You have caused enough trouble, you've hurt people...killed people and we can't let that carry on" Kevin said as confidently as he could

"I did this for fool"

"No you did this for yourselfI never asked you to kill anyone for me and I'm sorry but that just isn't good enough"

"You were always weak...I can make the world a better place for us a world where no one can hurt us"

"As much as I'd love that to happen it just can't I'm sorry about this but it is time for you to go"

Emma watched this internal fight happen in front of her and was amazed to see so many different alters working together for the same cause, she felt a bit of pride for all of them for putting aside their differences and working together to neutralize The Beast.

"I still have followers you cannot win" The Beast groaned "The Horde will beat your little alliance"

"Uhh I'm sorry you were saying" Barry smirked

"For months I've let you reek havoc and allowed you to put us in harms way, I gave up my life for you because I thought you were right and that you would help Kevin, now I realize how wrong I was and I'm here to put you down you don't control us anymore" Dennis yelled 

"You don't control me I don't have to be afraid of you anymore" Hedwig chimed in before The Beast screamed in pain 

"No stop I will succeed....ahhh you cannot defeat me Noooo" The Beast yelled before he fell to the floor, Emma ran over to make sure they were alright and skidded on her knees next to them.

She heard muttering and leaned over to hear it better she just made it out and found him repeating the same thing over and over

"Kill the impure, kill the impure, kill the it now" 

Emma realized too late what that meant and The Beast clawed at the bite wound he'd left her and tearing a chunk of her armor off , before throwing her on the floor and snatching the knife off of her as it skittered onto the floor.

"If I'm going down then so are you" he said maniacally, attempting to plunge it into her chest until suddenly he was hit in the gut with three bullets from a gun which caused him to drop the knife and fall on the floor clenching the bullet wounds, which wouldn't be fatal since it was still The Beast but would hurt later on for the others before he staggered away and collapsed on the floor his last words were spoken by Kevin who simply said

"Finally it's over" with a sigh of relief before the body crumpled on the floor.

Authors note 

So we're heading towards the final few chapters of this story, it has been an absolute pleasure writing this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading it, if you have anything you would like me to include in the last few chapters let me know and I'll try my best to fit it in somewhere. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for reading until next time:).   


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