Surprise Dennis

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As soon as everything had been taken care of with The Beast Dennis had begged Barry for the light 

"I have to make sure she's okay Barry" Dennis pleaded Barry sighed heavily

"Dennis come on man give me a break already, I'm exhausted we all are can't you just wait a little longer" Barry asked exasperated

"Barry please...I just need to see her" Dennis breathed, Barry rolled his eyes before saying

"Well I suppose if it will give me some peace and quiet for a bit then fine you can have it" 

"Thank you Barry" Dennis said relieved 

"Don't mention it have fun" Barry smirked before letting Dennis take control of the light.

Dennis's eyes fluttered open as he inhaled sharply as he took in his surroundings, surprisingly they were back home instead of at the hospital which was actually more of a relief than anything else, he heard a gasp to his left 

"He's awake" Casey's beautiful voice sounded "Dennis is this you?" she questioned leaning over him and squeezing his hand which he returned before sitting up slightly with a groan and bringing her close for a kiss he felt her relax after a few seconds before returning the kiss, how he'd missed this, he hadn't known how much time had passed since he last had the light but he knew it had been quite some time.

"Oh yeah that's gotta be him" Emma called walking over to them as they broke away 

"Will there ever be a time when you won't be here to kill the moment?" Dennis asked as he broke the kiss.

"Ha, ha you can dream on" Emma smirked "How're you feeling Dennis?"

"I feel great, in fact I haven't felt this good in a long time" he answered which was true, he felt like a huge weight had been taken off his shoulders with The Beast now gone, Dennis didn't feel like he was under any pressure which was a huge relief, he hadn't realized how much fear he had actually been living in until now.

Emma's phone went off and she sighed as she looked at the name on the screen "Looks like I gotta take this, I'll catch up with you guys later okay" she nodded at them both before heading outside leaving Dennis and Casey alone together and Casey joined him on the bed.

"Emma wasn't sure that you would wake up so soon, she said it must have been crazy for all of you guys and that it would take some time to settle down...I'm glad you came though" Casey smiled at him.

"Well it took a lot of effort to convince Barry I thought I was gonna have to grovel at the guys feet at one point" he admitted which made Casey laugh

"I can't imagine you grovelling" she mused

"I would do anything if it meant I can be with you" Dennis promised taking her hand and pressing his lips between her knuckles before looking into her troubled looking eyes "What's wrong?" he asked her softly.

"I have something to tell you, but there is no easy way to say it" Casey answered quietly, looking away from him briefly, Dennis started panicking had something happened whilst he was away?, was it because of what he did?, was he leaving her?. A million other questions sprang to mind and he gulped suddenly his mouth felt incredibly dry, but he managed to keep his composure and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"Tell me anyway" he whispered feeling the nerves build up in his stomach as he waited for her to tell her he news, she leaned in closer resting her forehead on his, taking deep breaths until she was ready to answer.

"Dennis...I'm pregnant" she said in an almost inaudible tone leaving Dennis gobsmacked for a few seconds.

"Pregnant?" he repeated staring right into her eyes for confirmation "Are you serious?" he asked and she nodded looking away before he cupped her cheek and forced her to look at him.

"I know it's a lot to take in and you've just got back but I had to tell you, I know it's a huge responsibility for both of us and I'll understand if you don't want to be apart of it" Casey started rambling only to be cut off by Dennis's chaste kiss.

"Oh Casey, my incredible, mad and beautiful Casey...are you kidding me, you have been the only brightness I've had in these dark few months, my strength, you made me feel human when everyone else made me feel like a freak, like I was wanted and...and now I come back to find everyone is okay, The Beast is gone and to top it all off...the love of my life is now pregnant and carrying our you really think I would run away from that?, it's gonna take more than a baby to scare me away I'm afraid...your stuck with me now forever and ever" Dennis grinned as he brought her in for another kiss feeling her smile against his lips as tears of joy made their way down both of their faces, as they broke away he placed a hand carefully on Casey's abdomen and whispered "I'm gonna be a father" he choked back a sob as Casey pressed her hand on top of his.

"Not just a father...a great father" she told him making his heart swell with pride at the beautiful woman he loved who was carrying a child, their child he laid her down on the bed and kissed her abdomen before travelling up to her lips.

"I love you Casey" he whispered as he settled down next to her on the bed wrapping a protective arm around her.

"I love you too Dennis" she replied stroking his head until they both fell into a deep sleep, both as nervous but excited future parents who were wondering what the future would hold.   


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