A change in power

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Casey finally got to the hospital and hopped out of the taxi, she had been thinking about Dennis the whole journey up there, as excited as she was to see Emma again she had missed her quite a bit but she really hadn't wanted to leave Dennis, partly because she missed him but partly because she had a nagging feeling that the others weren't done with him yet and would force him to help them accomplish some other dangerous crime or force him out of the light for good which terrified her more.

Before she could think anymore on it David appeared from the entrance of the hospital and ran up to greet her.

"Hey glad you could make it, Emma's been dying to see you again" David said with a smile.

"Same here I'm glad she's doing okay" Casey returned the smile.

"Okay well when your ready we can make our way inside and I'll take you to her room"

Casey breathed in before nodding her head "Okay I'm ready let's go" and with that they both stepped inside of the hospital together.

Casey hated hospitals, they were always to cramped and busy for her liking and made her feel claustrophobic. They also brought back bad memories of her father who had been rushed up here after having severe pains in his chest which had been the first sign of a heart attack, before dying shortly after, she always thought that hospitals were the most depressing places after that long sleepless stay up here.
David escorted her to the far end of the hospital which was significantly quieter than the rest of it which she was grateful for but slightly surprised at.
David seemed to read her mind and explained "the press came around earlier yesterday, Emma wanted them out of the way as soon as possible, can't say I blame her"

Casey couldn't either, she knew all too well what the press were like after the events after her kidnapping they always seemed to find ways of meeting up with her trying to get information out of her, which got tedious and a bit stressful sometimes she was glad when it was over.

David knocked on the door and let himself in
"What is it I swear to god if it's another damn reporter I'm leaving this nuthouse"
"Emma it's Casey she's here to see you is she allowed to come in" David asked.
"Uhh is that a trick question of course she can, I've been dying for some decent company, why didn't you say anything earlier David?" Emma asked as David gestured for Casey to come in.
"Well I was getting to that part but you butted in" David rolled his eyes at her.
Casey walked into the boring, white room that Emma was staying in and turned to face Emma who was sat on the bed.
"Casey it's good to see you again" Emma smiled at her.
Casey gasped when she saw the dark bruises that surrounded Emma's neck, a souvenir of her encounter with The Beast. Casey was once again shocked by the differencesbetween The Beast and the other's, like Dennis. Dennis was kind and caring unlike this animal he shared a body with.
Emma saw her staring and went to touch her neck.
"I know it looks bad but it's actually healed up quite well, and I can talk now which is a huge bonus" Emma reassured her.
"For you maybe, the only problem we have now is that we can't seem to shut you up" David replied lightheartedly.
"Hey come on,I'm not that bad" Emma replied pretending to be hurt by David's comment.
Casey laughed at their light banter it was refreshing to see them both laughing.
Emma turned to her and said "anyway how have you been Casey, you look good, much better than the last time we met" she stated
"Well yesterday was the first time I didn't have to worry about my uncle so yeah I feel much better" Casey beamed, there were other reasons why she was happy but she wasn't going to elaborate on that.
"Good glad to hear your enjoying your new found freedom" Emma replied as she smiled at her.
She was about to continue when the door slammed open, nearly falling of its hinges and a tall,  dark haired man walked in wearing a black FBI jacket and black trousers stepped into the room, his black, shiny boots making thudding sounds as he walked.
"Detective Price good to see you up and about" the young gentleman greeted as he stood up straight in a military manner.
Casey didn't say anything but heard Emma sigh as she muttered "great" under her breath.
"Agent Stevens, not that I don't want you here but... Oh wait I don't want you here, there's the door use it to let yourself out, oh and try not to break it for me there's a good chap" Emma gestured to the door, Casey could tell that she didn't have the best chemistry with this guy, her normally calm expression was replaced with a look of loathing when directed at this man.
"You don't get to give me orders Emma, well not anymore, anywhere" he smirked at her "how's the life of a boring detective treating you?" He asked.
"Better than you think Stevens" Emma replied with venom lacing her words "What are you doing here, what do you want?" She asked impatiently.
"We're here to assist you with the case involving a  Kevin Crumb" he replied handing her a letter, which she snatched out of his hand.
"And what makes you think I would even want your help" she asked, scanning the letter.
"Well it seems like you haven't done much already, and besides your not even apart of the case anymore" he mocked.
"What why?" Emma asked
"Oh something about reckless behaviour and how you would be a liability if you carried on the way you were, it's good to see some things will never change with you Emma" Stevens replied enjoying the look of loathing appearing on Emma's face
"No, no, no you can't you need me on the case" Emma said frantically
"Really and what could you possibly have that our best agents don't know alread" Stevens asked
"Well for starters I've met him, talked to him in person, I have information on him, hell do you even know anything about him at all" Emma argued
"I know enough to know that he's dangerous and needs to be dealt with quickly" Stevens answered
"What will you do, if you catch him" Casey asked
"That's none of your concern, civilians don't need to know that" Stevens replied
"That's Casey cooke, she has every right to know,now answer the damn question Stevens,"Emma replied jumping off the bed to get right in his face , her chest heaving with the angry breaths she was making.
"Bosses orders are to bring him in, but if he causes anymore deaths we have permission to shoot on sight"Stevens said bluntly as if he didn't feel the weight of the words he'd just said. Emma's face fell "you cannot be serious"Emma whispered.
"He's a monster Emma even you can't argue with that "Stevens yelled out.
"He's not a monster, if you really are FBI than you should know that the man you're looking for has DID, you know what that means, you're not just dealing with one person you're dealing with many just in the same body, some of them aren't even apart of the case, it's only a select few that are apart of the case, if you catch him,help him, don't kill him" Casey yelled. Everyone seemed shocked about her sudden outburst, Emma however was watching her through narrowed eyes, as if she were studying her, she stayed like that for a few moments before turning her attention back on Stevens.
"Unfortunately, we can't just pick out the identities we want to arrest and let the others walk free, I don't buy it, the whole multiple personality thing, it just seems like a load of bullshit someone would make up just to walk free, so forgive me if I don't change my mind "he sneered. Casey snapped then and came charging towards him with murder in her eyes, David managed to intercept her and held her back before she did anything reckless, she started kicking and screaming trying to struggle out of David's strong grip, but to no avail.
"David take her outside, let her cool off "Emma ordered as she watched David pick her up and drag her out of the room as she carried on making loud snarling sounds trying to get out of his hold on her.
Stevens smirked before saying "you keep some strange company Emma "
Emma replied "She's been through more than you'll ever understand Stevens"Emma retorted " She's right you know, you can't just go killing people just because their different, now please if there is any compassion, any sign of a heart in that black hole where it should be, please I'm begging you to reconsider you're options, you don't know what you're up against "Emma begged
Stevens replied "just some sick animal who needs to be put down,but that's okay because he doesn't know what he's up against either" Stevens grinned psychotically.
Emma breathed a silent laugh "Wow if this is how corrupt the agency has made you I'm glad I left when I did"she whispered, "goodbye Stevens"Emma replied turning around to leave.
"Emma"Stevens yelled out making her turn around, eyebrows raised "you get in my way I'll kill you too, you understand "he threatened.
Emma shook her head and chuckled "don't count on it "she replied before walking out and going to find David and Casey.

Authors note
So hey guys this is the same chapter that I published yesterday but it is the complete version because my laptop had a meltdown and decided to publish half a chapter. Secondly thanks so much for reading I really didn't expect so many people to read it so thanks for that. I am on holiday now for two weeks now so I may not be able to update as regularly as I have but thanks for reading this, I hope you have enjoyed reading it😁😁

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