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The next morning Dennis had been woken up by a very anxious David and Casey, a nurse had approached them and had news on the outcome of the surgery,the moment of truth had arrived.

"What's the news?" David asked once Dennis was awake fully, everyone stared at the nurse expectantly sighing as she delivered the news.

"Well it's been a rough night but... despite the fact that her heart stopped twice during the operation, she managed to pull through"

The tension in the room was replaced with relief as they heard the good news, they all had tears in their eyes as they all collapsed in their chairs.

"How is she?" David croaked as he swallowed back the lump of joy he had at the back of his throat.

"She's actually doing quite well considering the extent of some of her injuries" the nurse marveled.

"I said she was a fighter" David mused

Casey smiled through her tear filled face

"When can we see her?"she asked

"Give her time, physically she's healing but mentally.... we don't know if the trauma could have effected her mind" the nurse advised "There is some paperwork that will need filling out before you leave, I will give it to you when you are ready" she nodded before taking her leave.

A few hours later....

Dennis and Casey stepped into the room Emma was being kept a bit anxious on what they would walk into, Emma didn't notice them straight away so she didn't have time to hide the haunted expression that was written on her face before she noticed they had entered but once she had she forced out a smile before greeting them

"Hey" she said weakly.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Casey said, rushing over to the side of the bed.

"Hmm, yeah, yeah I'm good thanks" Emma said distractedly.

Casey and Dennis shared a concerned look, this was not like Emma at all, she was usually quite enthusiastic when she spoke and she would have at least cracked one joke by now, instead this Emma was quite reserved when she spoke and didn't seem to be fully interested in the conversation, like her mind was somewhere else and the nervous energy she usually had was gone.

"You gave us quite a scare then Emma, your lucky" Dennis said

"Yeah, I guess I am" Emma replied before inhaling loudly "How have you two been?" she asked, at least that part of her hadn't changed, Emma would always ask how others were doing before she even thought about herself, Casey could almost laugh at that, here Emma was just come out of surgery after getting an injury which could have killed her and yet she was still asking how they were.

"Yeah we're fine, we were so worried about you" Casey said softly, trying not to let her emotions come through too much, but she was starting to worry about her.

"Nah you shouldn't do that I knew I would be okay" Emma smiled weakly Casey raised her eyebrows before Emma said "Okay rephrase I hoped I'd be okay"

"Are you sure your okay Emma?" Casey asked concerned

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she replied

"Well you were tortured by Stevens for a month before he stabbed you" Dennis responded

Emma's face darkened at the mention of Stevens "I appreciate your concerns guys but believe me when I say that I'm okay" she said in a tone that sounded like a warning.

"Okay we believe you, sorry for pushing you, it's just... it has been a rough night and nobody was sure you would even make it" Casey explained, Emma nodded as her features began to soften again, as she sighed.

"I'm sorry, I know your just doing this because you care and I really do appreciate that, you guys are probably the closest thing I've had to a family, I guess I'm just tired and ready to go home" Emma explained, wiping her eyes before yawning.

"When do you reckon they'll let you go?" Dennis nodded, Emma sighed again 

"They say that they'll probably keep me here for a week or two to keep an eye on me and make sure I recover before they discharge me" Emma chuckledhollowly "It almost feels like De Ja Vu being back here, hopefully it won't become a regular occurrence, I hate hospitals" she groaned.

They both smiled at that and couldn't blame her for wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, a nurse came in then looking apologetic as she warned Dennis and Casey that they would have to leave soon so that Emma could rest up and although they understood that neither of them were anxious to leave.

"Okay just one more question before you go, where are Stevens and my brother?" Emma asked, that dark look coming over her again as she asked.

"We're not sure, they have been keeping low profile, sorry to tell you that" Dennis answered, Emma sighed leaning her head back as she tried to mask her disappointment 

"Should've known really, ah well when I get out of here, they'll be the first ones I'm going after" she promised.

"We'll think more on that later" Dennis replied "Well we better start heading off, see you later Emma, rest up and keep safe and we'll see you soon" 

They all said goodbye to each other before Casey and Dennis left the room and headed back to where David was doing the last of the paperwork for Emma. Casey sighed heavily and Dennis put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"She'll be okay" Dennis told her confidently

"Did you see her face before she saw us she looked so broken and she wasn't acting like herself at all Dennis, what are we going to do?" Casey asked worriedly.

"The only thing we can do, which is to be there for her,the rest is up to her"  bringing her in for a hug.

"I'm still worried about her though" Casey muttered into his shirt as she breathed in his scent.

"Me too but that's to be expected" Dennis answered 

"And why's that?"

"Because good people like you always worry about the people closest to them" Dennis said staring into her worried, brown eyes, cupping her cheek as he stroked away a few tears that had made their way down her face with his thumb.

"People like us, you care too" Casey said, kissing thepalm of his hand "And no matter what you think you will always be a good man to me" she stated, making Dennis smile tearfully. 

  "We'll get through this together" Dennis promised and for the first time in a long time both of them actually believed that they would be okay in the end.

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