Sweet Revenge

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Emma had watched in horror as Dennis gave The Beast the light, and started pounding on the door, pushing against it as hard as she could but it wouldn't budge.

"David" she yelled as she hit the door, she turned to Stevens who was still holding Casey at gunpoint, had a knowing smile plastered on his face "What have you done?" she growled at him charging towards him, pulling her pistol out of it's holster and aiming it at him.

"Ah, ah I wouldn't come any closer Emma, unless you want to clean up Miss Cooke's brains after I've blown them out" he warned, pointing his gun closer to her head, Emma's rage increased as he did this, but she tried to keep a calm composure.

"You must think yourself pretty tough, hiding behind a young woman like that huh" Emma replied smugly 

"No Emma, but she is the only thing that is standing in the way of a bullet should you choose to shoot me" Stevens answered "Besides it looks like you have bigger problems right now, lower your gun" he ordered.

Emma shook her head, her grip on the pistol tightening so much her hands were shaking and her jaw was clenched, she could do it, she so wanted to pull the trigger and kill him. 

"Emma don't do it" Casey whispered, begging her to put the gun down, Emma locked her eyes onto Casey's her resolve fading a little bit before she spoke again "Emma if you do this you will be no better than him" 

That hit Emma hard, Casey was right, if she did this would she really be any better than Stevens, Elijah or any of the other people who had tormented her in the past. Emma lowered her pistol to the ground before dropping it on the floor, looking down at the floor.

"Always so weak, how you got a job as an agent I'll never know Emma" Stevens chuckled before aiming the gun at her and pulling the trigger, hitting Emma square in the chest, watching her body fall to the ground.

"No" Casey cried, before being pulled back by Stevens

"Shut up" he snarled before slapping her across the face, making her head swing violently to the side "Now it's your turn" he said before pushing her violently onto the floor and aiming the pistol at her head.

Casey stared at Emma who was lying on the floor lifeless, hoping for a miracle to save her from this mess, her thoughts turned to her last moments with Dennis and the regret she felt in not telling him the news that had been bothering her for a while now, until she heard the cock of the gun signalling that her life was running on precious seconds.

"You know it's a shame you two met, people who stick with Emma always end up going down the same route take Laura for example, any last words?" Stevens asked in a menacing voice

"Your wrong about Emma Stevens, as long as she see's the good in you she will always be willing to fight for you and that is why she will always have my back, and I have no regrets about meeting someone who is ten times the person you could ever hope to be" Casey spat back.

"A shame that faith in her is about to get you killed, goodbye Miss Cooke" Stevens replied with a smirk.

Before he could pull the trigger a dark blur went past Casey's face and tackled him to the ground, Casey turned to see who it was and with a sigh of relief realized it was Emma, the armor had done it's job. 

Emma was using Stevens momentary shock to basically beat the shit out of him, she was a pure animal, letting go of her anger and dealing punch after punch until his face was a bloody mess, his jaw practically hanging off, Emma gave him a particularly nasty blow which broke his nose before she grabbed his knife from his pocket and drove it into his shoulder.

Stevens let out a loud scream then as he felt the freshly sharpened steel shred through his skin, before Emma dragged it out slowly to increase the pain he had to endure.

"That was for all the suffering you made me endure in that prison" she growled before stabbing him again in the other shoulder "This is for the stress you made my family endure and this...this is for every bad word you said about Laura" she whispered before picking up his gun and pointing it to his head.

"Wait Emma, please show mercy" he begged genuine fear appearing on his face as he stared into her fiery eyes "You know this isn't what Laura would want" 

Emma growled as she lowered the gun closer to his head before speaking in a menacing and dark tone

"No but it is what I want and since Laura's not here anymore your all out of options I'm afraid" 

Stevens started whimpering before he heard Emma's finger starting to pull the trigger 

"Emma wait" he cried before the shot went of and his body fell lifelessly to the ground.

Emma stood up breathing heavily and throwing the gun away before turning away from the grisly scene, which she had caused, her hands trembling with the aftermath as she faced Casey whose face had gone pale.

"Are you alright?" she asked, Casey nodded before Emma noticed a few tears make their way down her face "I'm sorry you had to see that" she sighed looking down in embarrassment at her actions.

"No Emma it's not that...I mean it was unexpected but after what he did he deserved everything he got" she replied, Emma winced at that not feeling too sure on that, sure he had been a huge pain in the ass but Emma wasn't completely sure he deserved such a brutal death, she shook her head not able to think about it right now but she was sure her decision today would haunt her for the rest of her days.

"Okay what is it that's bothering you?" She asked before they were interrupted with a scream coming from the other carriage, they both looked at each other with concerned faces.

"Maybe we'll talk about it later" Casey suggested

"Sounds good to me" Emma replied before they both got up and raced to the door to face what was going on in the next carriage.         

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