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Casey and Dennis were on their way to see Emma since she had been cleared by the hospital, they had driven up there in silence for most of the journey. David had called and  told them that she had seemed a little bit different last night, so he wasn't exactly sure on what they would be met with when they got there. Casey was hopeful that Emma would pull through, but she also remembered the broken look on her face as they saw her at the hospital and couldn't help but wonder if she had finally snapped. Emma had been through a lot in such a short space of time, Casey couldn't imagine trying to cope with that and she worried about what could be going on in Emma's head.

"She'll be fine" Dennis said, seeming to be able to read her mind and figure out where her thoughts had gone.

"How can you be so sure? Casey asked, Dennis shrugged his shoulders 

"Honestly, I'm not but Emma is strong, she'll make it through this" 

"No one can be that strong, at least without it having some form of long lasting effect on them" Casey argued 

"I guess we'll find out soon enough" Dennis responded as he turned off the road and towards the driveway that would lead them to their home for the past month. The closer they got the more Casey's stomach seemed to churn with anxiety, she was really nervous on what she would walk into but at the same time she still wanted to see Emma just to make sure she knew she wasn't alone.

They pulled up right outside the house and sat in the car for a few minutes

"You sure you want to go in there?" Dennis asked turning to face her, Casey nodded before replying

"I have to make sure she's okay, I don't like the thought of her all by herself, What if she isn't strong enough to carry on?" she said truthfully, Dennis studied her before squeezing her hand tightly

"Then we have to be her strength, no matter how difficult that challenge is" he answered 

They both got out of the car and made their way to the door, Dennis knocked on it loudly three times, when no one answered he tried turning the handle which, surprisingly turned easily opening the door, which he pushed to the side. When they entered the house something felt wrong straight away, it was almost like the feeling you get when someone has gone into your room and moved things about, but with the whole house instead.

"Emma?" Casey called wondering where she could be, before hearing something like a glass bottle rolling across a floor, it sounded like it was coming from the living room so they both walked quickly to that room. The sight they were greeted with made both of their hearts sink.

Emma was sprawled in a heap on the floor next to a glass of some sort of alcoholic drink and an empty bottle the other side of her, which had just stopped rolling away. She was groaning quite loudly her left cheek firmly planted on  the floor and her eyes were closed, Dennis rushed up to her side to make sure she was okay.

He gently rolled her onto her side, immediately recognizing the smell of whiskey as it hit his nose, making him urge as he remembered the days when he used to come home to a raging woman whose anger was fueled by the same drink.

Casey joined him next to Emma looking down at her as she whispered 

"What have they done to you?" 

All of a sudden her eyes flashed open and she looked up at the two people she cared about the most staring down at her, she tried to get up but when that proved too difficult she gave up and just slumped back down on the floor, before speaking again.

"Hey guys long time no see" she slurred 

"Emma, what happened?" Casey asked

"The pain, it was too much I wanted to escape it so I did" she said in a broken tone

"You needed the whole bottle for that?" Dennis asked unconvinced

"It hurt a lot" Emma replied reaching for the glass again and bringing it to her lips, before she could drink anymore Dennis smacked it out of her hand watching it break as it hit the floor "That was my favorite glass" Emma moaned as Dennis started picking it up and cleaning the pungent liquid up with his handkerchief.

"Emma I don't understand, you have pills for the pain" Dennis replied angrily 

"Yeah, I  know I took them too" she whispered not meeting their eyes

"How many have you taken?" Casey asked, Emma shook her head as she got up and rubbed her  eyes 

" Half the pack.... maybe, maybe more" she said sheepishly

"They're supposed to last you a month, what the hell happened?"

"I..I just couldn't cope anymore... the pain, the misery it got too much, I saw the whiskey and I just thought fuck it, I don't know what happened after that...I guess I just overdid it" she moaned, her head spinning.

Dennis came back after clearing up the mess, carrying another glass this time filled with water

"Here, drink that and sober up" he said giving her a stern look as she took it "Water?" she asked

"No it's vodka, of course it's bloody water" he remarked 

"Huh, how boring, waters boring" Emma responded

"It also won't kill you as quickly, so boring is fine by me" Dennis spat back

"Shame" Emma said before taking a sip, Casey stared at her concerned by what she just said

"What do you mean by that?" she questioned

"Nothing" Emma sighed "I think it's best if I head to bed" Emma said before standing up and stumbling to her room, leaving Dennis and Casey gobsmacked at what they'd just witnessed.

"We were right she has snapped" The Beast remarked 

"It was just the one slip up" Dennis tried to convince himself to no avail and The Beast chuckled

"And how many times did one turn into many with your mother, your friend has snapped and there is no escaping that, she is lost" he growled.

Dennis shook his head, he couldn't let Emma fall into this, he'd seen what this road turned people into and he wouldn't stand by and watch that happen again.

"What's the plan?" Casey asked, recovering from her shock

"I'm gonna do a clear out, make sure she's clean, call David let him know whats happened" Dennis responded, turning towards the kitchen.

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