The other side

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Emma breathed as she watched the door give way to the army of agents that were knocking it down. She had never felt so helpless, her only consolation was that at least Casey would be safe, she had to laugh at the irony of that, Casey was actually safer with a criminal rather than the people trying to catch him.

The door came crashing down and the room was flooded with agents in helmets, they all had different firearms half of which were now all trained on her,whilst the others scouted the area, clearing each room as they went.
A few minutes later and Stevens walked into the room like he owned the place. Him and Elijah greeted each other like they were old friends before turning to face Emma who was leaning against a wall, looking at the two men.
"Wow now I'm staring at the two people I hate the most in this world, I don't know which one of you is the less ugly one" Emma managed a laugh "in all fairness, I think it's pretty even"
Elijah rolled his eyes at the comment
"How is it that even when your beaten,  you still manage to be sarcastic?" Stevens huffed frustrated.
"It's one of my best qualities" Emma replied.
"It's a mask, she's scared, she's trying to hide it with sarcastic comments" Elijah growled.
"Why on earth would I be afraid of you brother?" Emma asked grinning when Elijah flinched at the word.
"That's enough, where are the others?" Stevens roared, kneeling down next to her.
"I don't know" Emma shrugged.
"Stop, lying" Stevens yelled
"Stevens stop yelling, I can smell your breath, jesus do you even clean your teeth Stevens " Emma gagged.
"I don't have time for your pathetic little games, tell me where they are" he whispered in a deadly calm voice, quite the opposite of what he'd sounded like earlier.
"Here, or there"
"What?" He cocked his head
"Well, they're either here or there, I don't know which one though" Emma explained cockily.
Stevens chuckled "your an insufferable human being, you know that don't you?"
Emma was about to respond when Stevens hit her as hard as he could in the jaw. Emma let out a groan as she moved it back and forth to see if it was broken, she could feel blood in her mouth so she knew a gum or a lip must be cut.  Suddenly she was pulled back up and her body was slammed back up against the wall.
"Now we're going to try that again, where are the others?" Stevens asked in that calm voice.
"Piss off" Emma said through gritted teeth before she was met with another blow to the face.
"This is gonna get worse before it gets better Emma, unless you tell us where they are" Stevens threatened lifting her back out.
Emma responded by spitting in his face, feeling great satisfaction as blood made it's way down his face.
"Do your worse Stevens, my lips are sealed" Emma retorted.
"We'll see" Stevens grinned, wiping his face when he got up.
Emma took this brief respite to take stock of the situation, Stevens and Elijah were talking in hushed tones so they weren't done yet she knew that. She knew she was going to have to buy The Beast and Casey as much time as she could, as long as the attention was on her they were safe...ish.
She had to think of something to hold onto, so she wouldn't break. As she considered what she could use as her anchor, she heard Elijah say "do what you have to" before walking out of the room.
"Wait, where is he going?" Emma asked struggling to lift herself up to follow him.
"Wherever he wants,  he's a free man" Stevens explained with a smirk.
"What,  are you insane?, your letting one of the most dangerous criminals walk free, what the fuck is wrong with you Stevens?" Emma exclaimed.
"It was part of our deal, but that's not important right now, are you ready to tell us about your friends location yet?" Stevens asked a hint of lunacy surrounded him.
Stevens shook his head "you know you'd save yourself a lot of suffering if you just told us"
"Well that's not gonna happen Stevens, sorry to be a buzzkill" Emma replied, readying herself for what was coming next.
Stevens landed another blow to her face, before lifting her up with her wounded shoulder. Emma tried hard not to scream but in the end the pain just got too much, she writhed around trying to break free of Stevens's death grip.
"You know Emma, I expected you to be a bit more cooperative, after all your stupid mistakes, Laura would be ashamed of you" he whispered.
Emma roared then, with a new found anger causing a new rush of adrenaline to course through her body, she managed to break free and tackled Stevens to the floor. She pinned him down, breathing heavily, she punched him hard in the face. 
"Don't ever talk about her, you hear me" she yelled grabbing his collar and looking into his snake like eyes "you don't deserve to talk about her"
Emma suddenly felt a shock on her ribs as one of the agents used a taser to subdue her. Emma ended up on the floor, feeling breathless and a silent tear making it's way down her cheeks , as her muscles jerked due to the shock.
Stevens stood over her shaking his head.
"You never learn do you?" He looked at the agent before saying "cuff her, and take her to her new home, I'm not done with her yet"
"Yes sir" the agent cuffed her hands behind her back before dragging her onto her feet.
"You know Emma, I think you got it wrong, you didn't deserve Laura, she was good and well look at you, your just pathetic" he sneered.
Emma didn't say anything for a while, she looked defeated except her eyes burned with an intense hatred.
"You know what Stevens?, your right, I didn't deserve her but I still loved her , and one day I'm gonna make sure you pay for everything you've done today" Emma answered coldly.
"Ha ha, look at that,  you finally snapped, welcome to the other side of the wanted list Emma, I hope you hate it as much as I'll enjoy watching it" Stevens laughed hysterically as Emma was dragged off to a car and taken away. 

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