Interesting discovery

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David walked into Emma's house and was met with Dennis's stern expression.

"Where is she?" he demanded, unable to contain his anger as Dennis gestured upstairs

"She's in her room" he replied in a calmer tone before David marched up the stairs and heading to her room. 

He was furious, she had gone way too far this time, she didn't even talk about it and that was the worst part, it was almost like she was afraid to trust anyone again. This was a massive blow considering how far she had come, she had made so much progress and now all of that had been thrown away.

David didn't even knock on the door he just walked straight in, slamming the door behind him. Emma was sat in an armchair, hands locked together, with a look of expectancy written over her face as she looked up to brave his fury.

"Your later than I thought you'd be, what took you so long?" Emma smirked 

"You really think this is the time to be making jokes?" he said through gritted teeth 

"On the contrary, I always find these situations are better discussed under a lighthearted atmosphere" Emma answered back, leaning back in her armchair "But naturally you wouldn't agree"

"One night, you couldn't handle one night on your own" David raised his voice 

"Shh stop yelling" Emma spoke, wincing slightly

"No I don't think I will, what were you thinking Emma?" he roared

"I lost control okay, I'm sorry you left a bottle of whiskey in the house, I just used it to escape from this" Emma moaned

"Escape from what?" he questioned

"The pain, sadness, the memories, take your pick, I think you'll find there were a lot of reasons that made that bottle look tempting" she scoffed 

"You said if something was bothering you, you would talk about it, that's a years worth of progress you've made gone down the drain, just because you can't control yourself" David spat

" I can't control myself, David the past month I have been shot, beaten, tortured mentally and physically and was nearly killed, do you think you could control yourself after all of that, the great unbreakable man, not everyone is as strong and resilient as you including me, now if your done with the rant can you just get out" Emma yelled, gesturing to the door.

"What?" he breathed 

"You heard me, leave" she replied in a stone cold voice


"Look I don't want to fight anymore so just go David" she said turning her back towards him, David was slightly taken aback by this but knew Emma wasn't going to back down so he huffed before saying

"Fine but this conversation is far from over I hope you realize that" David replied

"A conversation, was that what that was supposed to be, sounded more like a shouting competition" Emma replied, David shook his head as he turned to leave the room.

"If Laura was here, she would be ashamed of what you've done" David muttered turning to face her again, her shoulders were slumped and she had tears in her eyes but her expression was a mask of full on rage.  

"Get out" she breathed and David turned to leave the room regretting that last comment.

He came back downstairs where Dennis was waiting for him

"Well that went well" Dennis remarked, David rolled his eyes at that

"She was bad before but now...she's stepped it up a lot, problem is she won't listen to me anymore and I don't know what else to try"

Dennis nodded "Maybe I could try speaking to her, she might listen better to someone else" he suggested.

"If you want to give it a go feel free but don't feel too disappointed if she turns you away as well" David shrugged "Right I better get back to my son, you sure you can handle her?"

"I had to deal with an angry, drunk woman from the age of three, I can handle her" Dennis answered 

"Well you sure sound confident, so I guess that's a start" David observed before rattling his car keys and heading for the door "thanks for calling me by the way, let me know how she is in the morning" he bid farewell before driving back home.

Dennis watched him leave before looking upstairs towards Emma's room, he was debating whether to go up there but thought better of it, Emma probably needed time and Dennis hadn't finished searching the house for alcohol yet so he decided to continue doing that, the next room he had left to do was the study, he knew it would be an odd place to keep alcohol but he had learnt from Kevin's mother that if they were desperate enough people were willing to hide it anywhere.  

He opened the door and walked in, already hating the room for how dusty it was and instantly pulling out his handkerchief straight away, cleaning the bits he could whilst searching for any alcohol. After searching for a long time he couldn't find any he looked up and noticed that the computer was on, he must have turned it on somehow whilst he was cleaning and now the screen was casting a low glow over the room, normally he wouldn't have been too interested but something had caught his eye.

The desktop was set up very much like the one in their office at the zoo, there were five names under six different video logs on the right hand corner of the screen, the names were Harper, Denzel, Jennifer, Christopher, Emma and Jason. Dennis stared at the screen unsure what to make of this.

"I think you know what this means" Patricia whispered to him

"No we can't just jump to conclusions" he answered 

"Then watch them and find out" The Beast growled, growing curious as to what he saw.

Dennis sighed before clicking on the log listed as Harper's, the log started playing and there Emma was sat there dressed in a white blouse, pink cardigan and her hair done up in a bun, whilst her face was covered with a thick layer of make up.

"Well, well, well, it seems we have more in common than we previously anticipated, how interesting" Patricia mused.

"She is one of us" The Beast remarked 

"What are you guys talkin about etcetera" Hedwig chimed in feeling like he was missing out

"Our friend, the detective is actually more like us than we previously thought dear" Patricia responded 

Dennis said nothing, ignoring the sounds of both astonishment and excitement at their new discovery and just stared at the screen, astonished at what he had just found out and unsure on how to react to it.

 Authors note

So how many of you enjoyed the twist, let me know what you think, thank you for reading anyway hope you've enjoyed it :)

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