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Dennis had been home for a few days, since he'd met with Casey  and had spent most of it in his room, he'd  opened the door to see Elijah sat at the table  working on his projects.
"And where the hell have you been?" He asked almost aggressively.
"Out" he replied before walking out of  his room and shutting the door behind him before leaning back on it taking shaky breaths as he felt his wound starting to feel sore, he wasn't really surprised, considering what he did a few nights before.
He allowed a small smile to grace his face as he remembered the feeling of his skin on Casey's, the taste of her, the small moans that escaped her when he was inside her.
"Excuse me Mr Dennis" Hedwig stuttered interrupting his train of thought, he walked into the kitchen away from Elijah so he could talk to Hedwig.
" What is it Hedwig? " Dennis asked patiently
Dennis had a soft spot for the kid, sure his tendency to leave the place in a mess just to annoy him and his habit of stealing the light at inconvenient times could get tedious and annoying at times , but he was just a kid so Dennis was more lenient than he would have been with the others,  although they were nowhere near as close as him and Patricia, they did get along quite well. At the zoo, Dennis would always try and find things to keep him busy, like toys, games, colouring things like that. Dennis remembered fondly when he got hedwig the pet mice at work, his whole face lit up with excitement when he saw them, much to Patricia's disappointment, she wasn't too keen on animals, but rodents to her were vermin and that was all, she didn't want to upset Hedwig though so the mice stayed.
"Are you okay, etcetera?" Hedwig asked quietly
"Yeah , why wouldn't I be?" Dennis replied putting on a brave front for the boy, he didn't like looking scared in front of him, he needed hope now more than ever that everything was going to be okay.
" Miss Patricia says you've done a bad thing, that The Beast isn't happy with you etcetera " Hedwig stuttered " she says he's gonna make you sleep like Kevin" he muttered that last part.
"I'm sure they're  just saying that to scare you Hedwig, I'll be fine you'll see " Dennis lied not being able to bring himself to tell him the truth, it seemed to work a little bit though, so that was good.
"Mr Dennis, can I tell you a secret?" Hedwig whispered nervously.
"Go for it " Dennis humoured him
"I'm scared of The Beast, Miss Patricia says as long as I behave he won't hurt me etcetera but.... you're still gonna protect us right?" Hedwig wondered.
"I'll try, like always, I promise and Hedwig don't worry,  The Beast scares me too" Dennis assured him
"You're a big fibber Mr Dennis" Hedwig replied
"And why's that?"
"You're not afraid of anything etcetera" Hedwig answered before going back to his seat and falling asleep.
Dennis huffed out a laugh at that last part, if only that were true, he thought,  before he heard Mr Glass calling for him in the other room.
"Hey Sir you might want to come out here" he called.
Dennis groaned before swinging the door open "What is it? " he asked not in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment.
"The news , watch it" Elijah replied pointing to the television which was on the news channel.
Dennis saw the young detective, Emma Price doing an interview with the reporters.
She looked good, all things considered,  although the bruises on her neck proved that she hadn't escaped unscathed.
"Detective Price,  is it true that you have been removed from the case? " they asked her.
"Yes it's true, I have been removed from the case due to a medical discharge, which will allow me to have time to recover from my injuries" Emma explained looking impatiently around the area.
"So what is being done now that you are stepping down?"
"Well, the FBI is now assisting us , we have a great team of agents led by agent Eric Stevens , who will aid in the capture of this man before anyoneelse gets hurt" Emma explained as Stevens stepped out of the hospital to face the press aswell, making the press lose all focus on Emma and running up to him,  giving Emma a great opportunity to slip away unseen.
Agent Stevens looked like a tough guy, he was built like a tank, he had black military styled hair and gave off a very intimidating aura.
"Agent Stevens how does it feel to be taking over the case? "
"Well hopefully now that we're here, we'll be able to catch this man and get him off the streets asap, I would like to warn people that we will be carrying firearms as a deterrent at all times primarily after curfew" Stevens nodded.
"So what is being done to find the suspect"
"We're going to be working with the police to track him down, and we have orders to bring him in if he cooperates " he answered
"And what if he won't cooperate?"
"Our orders are to bring him in, however if his actions threaten the loss of more lives, we have been given permission to shoot on sight, that is all I have time for ladies and gentlemen,  now if you'll excuse me " Stevens finished before walking back into the hospital, the press following directly behind.
Dennis stared at the screen in shock, this was a shocking turn of events, one that could not be taken lightly.
"Wow congratulations, you're now probably considered one of the most dangerous criminals of this century" Elijah mocked.
Dennis couldn't speak or move,  they couldn't escape this, cops they could avoid,  but this, this was a whole other ball game.
"We can't avoid this forever " Dennis mumbled
"We can and we will,  we just need to be careful and take precautions " Patricia whispered
"Patricia they want to shoot us" Dennis yelled
"The Beast will protect us, why are you so worried, you've seen the damage a shotgun caused"
"Yes but he's the only one of us that can survive that,  what if they shoot one of us" Dennis tried to reason with her
"Enough Dennis, enough, we stick to the plan and follow The Beast's orders, now stop worrying and get on with the task at hand" Patricia snapped  before going silent.
Dennis placed his hands over his face and heaved a sigh, he was starting to feel extremely agitated, The Beast was going to get them all killed soon if he wasn't careful,  and it seemed like the only one who could see it was him. Before he could ponder on the situation further he heard a knock on the door.
"Who the hell could that be?" Elijah asked glaring at the door as if he could burn it down with his stare.
Dennis walked slowly towards it before, cautiously swinging it open.
On the other side stood the detective herself and Casey beside her.
"Mr Crumb, we need to talk and we don't have much time" Emma spoke quickly.

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