Prison Break (part one)

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Dennis scanned the entrance to the asylum where Elijah Price was being held.He was crouched underneath some tall bushes in order to keep himself as hidden as he could before the initial break in.

The building itself looked like some sort of Victorian factory, with small windows with large metal bars on the outside and a large metal door on the other side of the fence. There were four tall towers on each corner of the wall that surrounded the building with spotlights and guards on duty, there were two at the tall, spiked gate that served as the main entrance into the asylum and Dennis suspected there were more inside . The whole place felt dark and depressing and gave Dennis a sense of unease like he shouldn't be here.

The plan was simple enough Dennis was to draw out as many guards as he could and get inside the rest was up to The Beast who Dennis could feel stirring at the back of his head. The fear Dennis was feeling started to increase as did his breathing and pulse which he fought to control, closing his eyes and putting his hand on his beating chest he started taking deep breaths to calm himself as much as he could.

"What's the matter Dennis feeling scared?" The Beast taunted, Dennis flinched and could almost picture the grin on his face.

"No I just don't see why this is all necessary for just one man" Dennis retorted

"We've been through this he is one of us, he is pure and these filthy, puny impures think that they can keep one of us in their weak excuse of a prion they are deeply mistaken, we are the more evolved and now it is time to show the world exactly what we are capable of doing" The beast growled he ws getting tired of Dennis's excuses, why couldn't he be more like the others who followed him without question?.

Dennis knew better than to argue with The Beast so he kept quiet and hoped nothing would go wrong, he didn't want Kevin or the others getting hurt because of The Beast's irrational behavior but he couldn't see another option he was too weak to take on The Beast by himself and if he was pushed out of the light and forced to sleep what would happen to the rest of the others? no he couldn't afford to think about that he still had a job to do. With that in mind Dennis took one more shaky breath and and began to run towards the black spiked gates.

He was only a few meters away when he was spotted he heard the sound of rifles being lifted to face him as he kept making his way to the gate.

"Freeze" Dennis stopped in his tracks as a guard in green khaki military uniform and a beret started walking towards him, his polished black leather boots picking up gravel every time he took a step "State your name and business in this area sir" he said in a deep voice as he came over to inspect Dennis.

"My name isn't important sir, I'm just here to see a friend of mine that's all" Dennis explained to the guard who still had his weapon trained on him 

"Have you booked an appointment?" the guard asked 

"No" Dennis stated bluntly

"Well Mister no name, there's only one way you get through these gates and that is through an appointment, so if you don't have one how about you piss off back to where you came from" the guard said before pushing Dennis to the ground and walking away back to his post.

"You don't seem to understand sir you will let us in there tonight" Dennis said losing control to The Beast with every second spent with this insufferable guard, he could feel him want to take over.

"Us, there are more of you out there how about they come out and show themselves as well eh I'll give you all a piece of my mind" he yelled to the empty field surrounding the place.

"Oh there is one who is especially eager to meet you in fact you could say he'd kill to see you" Dennis remarked with an evil grin plastered on his face as The Beast started to corrupt his thoughts.

"oh yeah well where is he then?" the guard asked kneeling down to come face  to face with Dennis who's face had glazed over as The Beast emerged into the light.

"Right here" He growled before grabbing the guard by the throat and quickly snapping his neck before hearing the other guard by the gate curse before cocking the weapon and pointing it at the site where The Beast had been.

The guard turned around slowly checking everywhere for any sign of movement or indication where this man could have gone. Panicking he turned around and ran towards the gate whilst grabbing his radio from his belt buckle.

"Attention, attention a guard is down I repeat a guard is down, request immediate back up someone is trying to get in secure the doors and don't let........"  the guard sending the message was cut short when The Beast tackled him to the floor before snatching the radio away from him and crushing it in his hand whilst crushing his windpipe with the other.

"Who...what are you?" the guard croaked as The Beast

"The more evolved" The Beast growled before punching him with enough force he split his head open.

"Filthy impure" he whispered before climbing up the wall to get into the asylum.      

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