Crime scene

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Philadelphia zoo had been closed now for two days for police investigations since one of the three kidnapped girls, Casey Cooke, had been discovered. Detective Inspector Emma Price had been put in charge of finding any evidence or leads which could help locate the kidnapper Kevin Wendell Crumb. He arrived at the zoo around 6:45 am and was greeted by sergeant Harry Briggs the leading police officer at the site.

"It's good to see you here Emma it's a hell of a mess down there anything you an give us would be extremely helpful" Briggs said shaking Emma's hand as a greeting.

"Well I hope I will be able to shed some sight on this case for you sergeant is it this way?" Emma asked curtly eager to get started on the investigation.

Briggs chuckled as they started towards the crime scene 

"Of course it's always like you to want to get started straight away, some things will never change will they" Briggs joked amused by his colleagues impatience to start the case.

"No I suppose they won't" Emma sighed "so what have we got?" she asked 

"One body has been found so far which belongs to an elderly woman, her name is Karen Fletcher who we believe was some kind of doctor, time of death has been put around twenty four hours ago and of course there were no witnesses at the time" 

"Other than Miss Cooke did you question her or examine the body" Emma asked Briggs.

"Well we have examined the body it would appear she died of asphyxiation but that's all we got for now,I would give you a description but something tells me you would want to look at the body yourself, as for Miss Cooke we thought it would be best to give her time to recover before asking her anything, this sort of thing to happen to someone at a young age... it must be quite distressing for her"Briggs answered before ducking under the police tape

"Indeed it must be, any ideas where our suspect could have gone?" Emma asked putting on her white disposable gloves and doing the same. 

"None, one minute he was there the next poof vanished and no ones seen head nor tail of him anywhere, all we know is he didn't have a car here so he can't have gone too far, well here we are" Briggs said stopping at a large iron gate which led to where the man investigation was taking place.

Emma and Briggs waited patiently as one of Briggs's officers opened the gate for them 

"So your the inspector, you here to see what's happened try and find our murderer" the officer asked 

"I am yes" Emma replied not really one for small talk.

"Good it's pretty crazy down there not gonna lie " he said before heading up the way they came to keep an eye on the press that had arrived early hoping to catch anything new for their reports.

"Has anyone else been down here since the body was found?" Emma asked before turning on the torch which she kept in her pocket before entering the first room.

"nah the boss said to keep everyone out until you got here said we were in way over or heads on this one so we better hope you find something good around here, you've only got an hour so make it quick" Briggs replied looking hopefully at her as he entered the room with her.

Emma entered a room which was full with several clothes racks full of different sets of clothing, both male and female, next to them was a small computer. Curious she turned it on to be greeted by a screen of twenty three different video logs all with different names, three of which seemed to be slightly further away from the rest. Before she could figure out what this meant she heard Briggs calling her name frantically.

She raced out of the room she was in and started walking towards the sound of Briggs's voice. She was greeted with a ghostly pale faced Briggs, his eyes were wide and he was struggling to keep his breathing steady.

"Briggs are you alright? what have you found?" Emma asked nervously not used to seeing Briggs in such a state.

All he did was point a shaking finger down a corridor saying "you need to see this for yourself" he stammered.

Emma patted his shoulder and made her way down the corridor, the smell hit her straight away it was the smell of a rotting corpse, as she covered her nose she carried on down the corridor until she cam across two open doors one of which was hanging off its hinges like something or someone had pushed it clean off the other seemed in better condition. Emma heard the sound of buzzing and realized how many flies were swarming that area.

"Oh God no" she whispered not wanting to find what she did in there.

In there she saw the dead body of a girl with blonde hair, her face was barely recognizable because of the blood that was covered on it. Emma examined the rest of the body and what she saw made hr urge, it looked as if the girl had been eaten alive, bits of intestine were falling out of her and the blood was thickest here. Unable to look at her anymore Emma made her way to the other room and saw a similar situation in there this time with a dark haired girl.

"Briggs" Emma called over her shoulder "get some men in here to get the bodies out of here then..." her voice breaking "inform the parents we found their daughters"     

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