Troubling vision

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David Dunn was having dinner with his son and wife when he heard his phone ringing, he looked at the screen and saw that Emma was trying to call him, something must have made her desperate to have considered calling him. It wasn't because they were on bad terms but their methods were totally polar opposite which sometimes caused them to argue with each other on what the best method should be.

David's method usually consisted of finding the criminal yourself and dealing with them there and then and worrying about the consequences later, it got the job done quicker and ended up with them behind bars a lot quicker.

Emma would try to find all possible evidence about a suspect before taking them down which usually took time and either ended up with more people getting hurt or gave the suspect more chances to escape justice, something David wasn't a fan of.

David excused himself from the table before walking to his study and answering the phone.

"To what do i owe the honor of getting a phone call from you Emma" David asked humorously

"Oh I don't know I thought you might be bored and want to check something out for me" Emma answered back in a similar tone. 

"It's about the horde isn't it?"he asked in a slightly more serious tone

He heard Emma sigh down the phone before saying "You know I wouldn't be calling you if I didn't think it was serious"

"What did you find Emma"

"I think it would be easier or you to see for yourself" Emma said in a shaky tone that piqued his curiosity straight away, Emma sounded nervous which was really not like her.

"Okay I'm on my way" he said before hanging up and coming out of the study.

David was greeted by his wife Audrey who was looking at him with a worried expression etched all over her face.

"Who was that on the phone David?" she asked 

"Oh it was just Emma she's found something to do with the case, she wants me to take a look at I'm sure it won't take too long" David reassured her whilst putting on his boots and grabbing his jacket and leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

"Okay be careful David" Audrey called to him as he opened the door and unlocked the car.

"I always am" he replied giving her a small smile before getting in the car and driving away.

It was only a half an hour drive to the station where Emma was waiting outside to greet him, they met halfway and greeted each other as they shook hands before entering the police station and heading to the room where the bodies were being kept.

"so what's got you so rattled then your never this nervous about murder cases" David tried to pluck some sort of information as to why Emma was acting differently.

"Well I think with what we've found it's fair to say this isn't an ordinary case" Emma said cryptically.

"What did you find?" he pressed

"Before I show you I need to ask you something, it may seem a bit forward but, you know you can see visions of what people have done?, could you possibly do that with someone who has passed away?" Emma asked curiously.

David looked at her slightly perplexed by her question, she was one of very few people who knew who he was and about his ability to see into people's lives, he closed his eyes and breathed in and out a few times before answering.

"I'm not sure Emma, I mean I've never really tried it on a dead person before..., why are you asking?"

"Because we don't know what happened to the bodies, well it's more of a case f we don't want to believe what we think may have happened to them" Emma explained, looking into his eyes and seeing his confusion Emma put her hand on the door and pushed it open, revealing three filled black leather body-bags.

"I told everyone to take a break for half an hour ago, that was fifteen minutes ago so you have fifteen minutes to help me figure things out" Emma explained

"You want me to see if I can picture what happened to them before they died, Emma this is insane even for you" David argued.

"Look I wish there was an alternative way to do this but I need to confirm my suspicions, trust me this isn't the work of an ordinary murderer right now, please David I really need your help right now, your the only other person I can trust to help me on this one" Emma tried to reason

"Fine just tell me how you think they died first"

"Well Miss Fletcher was killed by asphyxiation, the young girls were, well we think they were... eaten" Emma stammered on the last part.

"Eaten" David repeated

"Yeah, cannibalized whatever you want to call it, they look like they have had bits of their skin ripped off, like what a lion or something would do to its prey" Emma whimpered going a  sickly pale color before closing her eyes and leaning on a table, breathing heavily.

"Okay I'll see what I can do, but I can't make any promises that it will work" David answered solemnly before making his way over to the bag which held Claire's lifeless body inside and unzipping it enough for him to make contact with the body. He held his breath before slowly making contact with her arm, seconds later he was transported to a different place and time.

He saw Claire in a small closet, he assumed it was a closet because it was so small, she was lying down on the floor, weeping about something, when the door swung open and Casey Cooke stood at the entrance telling her to go, Claire was quite weak at this point that much was obvious she was clearly fatigued at this point. She tried to get up but before she could a large muscular hand grabbed her leg and dragged her behind the shelves, the last thing David saw before her death was the maniacal face of an animal but on a mans body, his eyes were wild with the pupils so dilated they appeared almost black in color and his veins were sticking out all over his neck and all around his large muscular chest, he stared down at Claire with an unsettling grin, revealing blood on his teeth before attacking the flesh on her abdomen, it happened so quickly she died without making a sound, not so much as a scream, her only thought was "The Beast" before everything faded to black. David wrenched his hand free of the body, panting and glistening with sweat, he would have keeled over right on the floor if Emma hadn't been waiting with a chair which he eagerly sat down in.

Emma passed her a glass of water before asking

"What happened to you?" her voice full of concern

"I saw him Emma, you were right it's all true he did eat those girls, he's a monster, he's unlike anything I've ever seen before" was all he could say before he passed out completely

Emma let him be for the time being trying to contain the vast array of emotions she was feeling in this moment, whatever David had seen had definitely  scared him and whatever had happened it was much worse than Emma had previously anticipated, but to get a clear understanding on what she was up against she was going to have to talk to someone who knew him, she was going to have to talk to Casey Cooke



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