Bad habits

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Four weeks after her surgery, the nurses gave Emma the all clear to go home. David had picked her up from the hospital and they were just pulling up outside the house. David helped Emma out of the car as she leaned on him before regaining her balance, despite her miraculous recovery she still had trouble getting up and had pulled out the stitches last time she had tried.

Emma looked up at her majestic home with a mixture of happiness that she wouldn't have to sleep in an uncomfortable hospital bed again but also dread, this house held to many memories and not all of them good, she would have preferred going back to her apartment in the city but apparently it had been ransacked by a group of FBI agents, hired by Stevens, who had literally destroyed the place whilst she had been away, much to her frustration.

They reached the front door and Emma pushed it open as she staggered inside, the house literally looked exactly the same as how she remembered it, nothing had changed apart from the people living in it now. She walked into the living room before she lost her balance, grabbing the glass table beside her for support, hearing something fall over as she did.

"Shit" she hissed before finding what had fallen over, to check it wasn't broken.

Emma picked up the fallen photo frame and picked it up to put it back up, she looked at the picture and immediately remembered the day it was taken and allowing a rare smile to appear on her face. David came up behind her as she set the picture back down with a sigh.

"What do you reckon she would say if she was still here?" Emma asked leaning on the table with her eyes shut to hold back the tears.

David sighed before answering "Well I can imagine her not being too pleased when she found out what happened to you, she'd probably tell you off for hours before she forgave you" David chuckled "But she'd understand why you did it"

Emma laughed hollowly before flopping onto the sofa, there was a small silence before the conversation started again

"How're you feeling?" David asked

"I'm fine" Emma replied weakly, David shook his head, joining her on the sofa,  before asking in a concerned tone

"If you weren't feeling okay, mentally not physically, you would say something wouldn't you?"

"Course I would" Emma said quickly not meeting David's eyes and folding her arms

"No signs of them making an appearance then" David pushed, causing her to huff before answering again

"Nope, trust me if they did you would be the first to know" she said with a shudder, David nodded, still not entirely convinced by Emma's answers but it seemed that he wasn't going to get anything better so he dropped the subject altogether 

"Listen I've got to head home soon, Audrey's out of town tonight so I have to get back to look after my son, will you be okay on your own tonight?" David asked, Emma nodded before answering sarcastically 

"What do I need a babysitter too?" 

"No,no I'm just making sure your not going to do anything reckless when I'm gone" David clarified, sensing that Emma was getting frustrated.

"I promise I won't go around looking for trouble, if that's what your worried about" Emma answered back "Now go home, spend some time with your kid, you've earned it after all, you have't seen him in like what... three days now?, just go I'll be fine" Emma said eagerly leading him to the front door. David gave her another concerned look as she pushed him out the door

"You know you've been acting differently since you came back... are you sure your alright?" he asked again

"I swear to god the next person who asks me that will get punched, listen David I am fine now go home, enjoy your freedom, goodbye" Emma replied, slamming the door in his face, leaning on it as she waited for his heavy footsteps to fade away and for his car to drive off.

She turned around and walked away from the door walking towards her bedroom. Once she had unlocked the door, she stood in the middle taking in the familiar sight that greeted her. How long it had been since she had set foot in this room, last time she was here was the night Laura... Emma shook her head, not wanting to think about that night, some things were best left buried in the backs of your minds where they belonged. She grabbed a glass from her bedside table and filled it water to help her take the painkillers she was supposed to take, she popped them in her mouth before swallowing them and throwing herself on the bed.

She laid there for hours, trying to sleep but with her mind racing and her body aching after recovering from a months worth of torture, sleep wasn't coming as easily as she'd hoped and with no morphine to relieve her from the pain she was starting to get restless. After trying to sleep for another half an hour Emma decided to call it quits and do something else. She knew Casey and Dennis would be back again tomorrow, they had left for the night to give her some space and allow her to relax a while longer, unfortunately it did mean she was left with her own thoughts... not the safest thing to be left with. She found herself in the kitchen before long and started rummaging through the cupboards hoping to find something to snack on, until she reached the end cupboard and found a bottle of whiskey, which she pulled out gingerly.

She couldn't believe it was still in here, she would have thought David would have at least had a clear out before letting her come back here, but then again he had refused to leave the hospital until she did so he probably didn't have time to, that and the fact that she hadn't had a drink in just over a year now either meant he hadn't noticed or didn't think she would want it. 

On a regular day, that would have been the case but after everything she had been through she would try anything if it meant she  could escape, no matter how bad it was. She got a glass and poured in the alcohol, bringing it to her nose, smelling the familiar scent of it which she had carried with her for so long, she hesitated for a moment, knowing this was not going to end well before bringing it to her lips and downing the whole glass before filling it up again, she was tired of caring and just wanted to escape no matter the cost.

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