Getting along

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Whilst he was asleep Dennis was pulled back into the room of chairs, he was slightly annoyed by that since he had hoped he could spend more time with Casey. He turned to face Barry who had a knowing smile on his face.

"What?" Dennis asked him

"Oh I think you know what" Barry told him as Dennis looked at him with a confused face making him role his eyes "You know about the baby congratulations man" Barry said patting him on the shoulder with a beaming smile, making Dennis feel more confused.

"Your not mad?" he questioned suspiciously 

"What no quite the opposite actually...why would I be mad?" Barry asked raising his eyebrows, Dennis looked down a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"What's the main reason I was banned from the light?" Dennis mumbled and Barry sighed feeling slightly ashamed in his participation in Dennis's banishment.

"Look I made a mistake about you Dennis I realize that now and maybe if we treated you and Hedwig better maybe none of this would have happened at all ...I was just looking out for Kev and I guess in the process I got a bit power hungry, but times have changed I see that now, I mean your gonna be a father for crying out loud I don't think anyone saw any of us settling down with someone and starting a family and yet here we are and if that doesn't tell me how far you've come I don't know what will" Barry shrugged before looking up at Dennis "Wait Dennis are you crying?" he asked before Dennis brought him in for a bear hug completely surprising him before he returned the hug gladly.

"Thank you Barry" Dennis said gratefully smiling down at him

"S'okay Dennis...besides I think Uncle Barry has a great ring to it" 

Dennis smiled at that

"Now come on what are you waiting for? let's go tell the others" Barry said excitedly before running towards everyone else who were sitting in their chairs expectantly.

Once the news was said many of the others stood up to congratulate him which Dennis was not expecting, Orwell was happy he would have someone to teach his history to, Jade basically said how much of a bad influence she will be on the kid earning her a stern look from Dennis.

Hedwig was ecstatic and was jumping up and down excitedly shouting "I'm gonna have a baby brother etcetera"at the top of his voice.

After everyone else had settled down and went back to doing their own thing, Dennis noticed Patricia standing in the corner away from everyone else staring at him through slitted eyes , he knew he shouldn't go over there but he plucked up the courage and walked over to her slowly.

"So she's pregnant then" Patricia spat, she looked so frail now she reminded him of a skeleton, it was almost like all the energy had been drained out of her, the only thing that seemed to have a little fire left were her eyes. 

"Yes" Dennis replied through gritted teeth

"A result of your disgusting urges, how sad you were doing so well before" Patricia scolded

"Your wrong Patricia, Casey is the love of my life always will be and the child she is carrying is the result of that love, this has nothing to do with my habits, why can't you just be happy for me like everyone else?" 

"You think that just because you saved them from our plan that they'll accept you, that they'll forgive you, your pathetically naive Dennis" Patricia sneered

"Your wrong Patricia they are willing to accept me, they would do the same with you if you weren't so goddamn stubborn" 

"And how long will you think that will last hmm, you were still apart of our plan after all and once they realize the damage you've caused what's to stop them from throwing you away again"

"At least I'm trying to be good" Dennis told her before turning to walk away

"Dennis" Patricia called out making him turn his head "I hope you will prove to be a better parent than the ones we had"

Dennis said nothing to that as he sighed and walked away, leaving Patricia to be alone once more, he was so lost in thought that he didn't realize Kevin was next to him until he tapped his shoulder, startling him.

"Kevin" Dennis said in a surprised tone, it had been ages since him and Kevin had talked since they had put Kevin to sleep but their relationship hadn't been the best just before that either, they had pushed each other away and now he felt extremely guilty about that.

"Dennis...I uh I just wanted to say congrats on the baby and all that" Kevin stammered looking down awkwardly

"Thank you Kev" he said placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder

"How does it feel?...having a feel safe?" he asked

"Honestly it feels amazing but overwhelming at the same should meet them someday when your ready" Dennis suggested.

"Oh uh...yeah I would like that but maybe not right now, I still don't know how well I could cope out there" he panicked.

"It's okay Kev, you don't have to do it immediately, but when your ready just let us know" Dennis reassured.

"Okay thank you, I have missed you, you know" Kevin whispered

"I know but you don't have to feel sorry for it, I'm partly to blame as well"

"Yeah but I pushed you away, my best friend, my protector...that was wrong I should have stood up for you not push you away" Kevin mumbled

"It's in the past at least now we can try again, I don't blame you for any of it I promise" Dennis answered, Kevin nodded then and sniffled before replying

"I would like start again thanks Dennis" he smiled

"No problem Kev" Dennis smiled back before Kevin walked away, it was a small conversation but it was a start, it was probably the nicest conversation they had had for quite some time so Dennis was happy with that.

"Wow you seem to be getting along with everyone today huh" Barry called, pulling Dennis out of his thoughts "I think that's the first time he's had a convo with anyone that wasn't forced" he said surprised.

"It's a start at least" Dennis replied 

"Indeed it is, I get the feeling things are gonna be a little bit different now" Barry sighed 

"Perhaps, but it will be a good change I reckon"

"Huh when did you become the wise one out of all of us?" Barry teased and Dennis chuckled feeling accepted for the first time in ages.

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