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Dennis and Casey had gone downstairs and had prepared a small meal in the kitchen. It had been a few weeks since Casey's unexpected encounter with The Beast and Casey knew that Dennis still felt guilty about losing control of the light to him. It had been scary, but she didn't blame him for it, she would never know what it was like having twenty three other people talking in your head or trying to take control from you, but she could imagine that it couldn't be easy.
Their silence had been interrupted by a loud knock on the door. They both looked at each other as someone knocked on the door again.
"Who could that be?" Dennis asked suspiciously.
"I don't know" Casey replied in a similar tone, she stood up and went to the door.
"Casey, what are you doing, it could be a trap" Dennis whispered protectively, grabbing her arm to stop her.
"It might not be" she shrugged, pulling her arm out of his grip.
"What happens if it is?" He asked frantically, his eyes full of panic.
"We'll deal with that when we get to it" Casey suggested, Dennis ran his hand over his head , sighing loudly.
"Okay fine, but be careful, I don't want anything to happen to you too" Dennis replied.
Casey nodded, giving him a small smile before going to answer the door. She turned the handle slowly, taking a deep breath before swinging the door open. Casey was met with a tired looking David Dunn.
"Casey, thank God your here, I was beginning to think Stevens got you too" David answered relief in his voice.
"Where have you been David?" Casey asked
"Emma told me to go incognito before she was taken, I've been laying low and trying to avoid Stevens attention, however I was able to get information about Emma, but it isn't good" David replied looking defeated.
"Why don't you come inside, we can talk about this better inside" Casey offered, opening the door fully and letting him in.

David walked inside and his and Dennis's eyes met, Casey saw both of them tense up and decided to intervene before something happened.

"David this is Dennis, I know what your thinking but he's with us now" Casey said, hoping David would believe her.

David's eyes looked Dennis up and down, like he was appraising him before saying 

"Nice to meet you Dennis, I'm David Dunn" 

"Hey uh nice to meet you Mr Dunn" Dennis said in a low voice, Casey could see he was uncomfortable talking to David so she stepped into save him.

"You said you had news about Emma, what is it?" Casey asked

David breathed heavily "We should probably sit down for this" he explained before walking into the living room.

Casey and Dennis both shared a look of worry, this couldn't be good, before following him and sitting next to him on the sofa. David rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before turning to face them both.

"I found out where they took her after they ambushed you" David said gruffly

"Well that's good isn't it?" Casey asked

"It would be if it was anywhere else" he replied, sighing, before meeting Casey's worried eyes, he took a deep breath before saying "she's in a high security prison for high risk prisoners"

"So what's wrong with that?" Casey asked.

"I have a friend who works there as security, he tells me that Stevens has taken over particularly the interrogation, he said he's gotten permission from some other corrupt high ranking agent to use any means he can to get them to confess to a crime, or to give up information  and apparently his methods are cruel and painful and many of them break before long"

Casey started tearing up and sniffled a bit, Dennis wrapped his arms around her rubbing her shoulders in a comforting motion.   

"Is there a way to get her out of there?" Dennis asked

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