Chapter 27

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"Take me back in time and be honest. I might have forgiven at this time."
- Annastasia H.


The event was more than how I expected. There are so much people in the dome and garden as if it was a huge concert of your favorite icon. It doesn't end there because I saw how crazy it went outside the empire and it's all over the news.

"Congratulations, Annastasia," Maximus whispered before he escorted me to the stage.

This isn't the time when I will be hailed as the new ruler because the programme that was sent to me tells that my first appearance was for some opening speech. Wearing a silk silver gown with a low neck line and glittery appearance makes me feel elegantly comfortable and confident. The designer made me look more elegant with this outfit paired with high-bun hairstyle.

The diamond necklace that my mom gave me shines brighter than the lights on the stage. Of course, the flickering cameras are present together with different newscasters. I look at the sky and it tells that night time was about to come.

In the morning, when we opened the gates, there comes different activities that these people enjoyed. The anniversary started at 10 in the morning and we're expecting it to end before 11 in the evening. Now, it's a quarter after 5 and the sun meets the darkness.

"Before I start this speech, I would like to thank you all for coming and joining this year's anniversary. This is not possible if not because of you and those who helped me behind tgis event. Saying 'thank you' is an understatement to express my gratitude." That's how I begin my speech while looking at the crazy number of people.

When they stopped clapping and yelling, I resumed. "This event is the first anniversary that I have experienced in my entire life. As many of you can remember, I was kept to know less about this empire but everything was unveiled when I went here in Paris and someone recognized me by my name. That changed my life big time and I became excited about holding the power until one time, a great disaster came because of my negligence and lack of knowledge about the empire that my father build years ago."

There is a sudden silence from the crowd and I think everyone will hear the sound of a needle if I throw it on the floor. "That time, I realized that I must learn about the empire first before I took part so I let my mom lead the empire as my uncle David passed away after the incident. I started working from the bottom and I have learnt more about the empire. I know it was such a short span of time but as they let me handle this event, I have learnt more with the guidance of my cousin and my mom. Now, I can see the success of this event and it makes me happy to see my vision more than I imagined. I really wanted to open this event to people not just to upper class and businessmen but to everyone including the beggars and street children because I believe that nothing in this lifetime is more important than showing every single person how much the society value them. And this time, I am officially opening the Anniversary Night! Have fun, everyone."

Again, I heard the noise of the crowd and as I go to take a sit, I noticed that Maximus was gone. Maybe he went back to the security area since he told me that he will monitor everything there.

"Anna, you need to get changed for the coronation," mom whispered from my left so I stood up and went out with Belinda to the dressing room.

"Belinda, where's the hairstylist?" I asked when we got inside but no one is in there.

I felt a sudden skip on my heart beat. "I will go check for her," Belinda said before calling the guards to ensure my security. I checked the things I left here and nothing's gone even the necklaces that my mom gave me to pair up with the gowns.

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