Chapter 37

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"Every story has an end but not every story ends well."
- Countess Shades, TDYSG (2020)


I heard some groans from someone and my body jumped in an instant. I don't know but since I learned about my pregnancy, I become paranoid. When I recognized the face of the man lying on my couch, I moved to touch his face.

"Hmm," he groaned.

Maybe he's dreaming about something. I sensed his new scent and it made me smile. Actually, I no longer gets annoyed with his smell but I acted out to see if he will do anything just to be with me.

My smile grew bigger when I noticed how sweet his scent was. I knew him, he doesn't like what he's doing which makes me more happy.

"Anna!" he yelled before pulling himself of the couch.

I jolt when he did that but I recovered immediately. I went to touch him when I saw him heaving deep continuous breaths  but he locked me on his arms.

I hushed him before looking into his eyes. "You're dreaming, Zach."

He pulled me back and I felt his embrace tightened. "Just let me hug you longer, Tash."

I heard some sniffs from him. Suddenly, I felt some droplets of water on my shoulder. He's crying. Is it because of what he dreamt about? Although I have such questions on my head, I kept them not to make him uncomfortable.

"C-Can I stay beside you?" he asked and my brows arched.

"What's with you, babe?" I asked but he didn't reply so I let him stay beside me tonight.

Zacharius embraced me while caressing my cheek. He tucked my unruly hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes and I didn't noticed that I feel asleep on his arms.

The moment I wake up, he's not beside me anymore. Maybe he went home or he went to work in their company. I opened my phone and I received endless notifications from different people. I was tagged from their posts, showing some picture of Zach and I.

I made myself busy by watching the clips and viewing some images until Maximus called me from the door. He opened it himself and asked me if I can come to the board meeting. I gave him an affirmative response before I get to fix myself.

"The empire is now in trouble."
Mr. Schwartz uncomfortable feeling began to get into my spine. We have learned that Manuel and his men escaped from the prison and now, the whole police force were taken hostage.

"Now that he escaped again, I'm sure that he's up to getting you, Anna," Maximus said while looking at the tv screen.

"I have to do something," I said before standing but Maximus held my hand.

"You cannot bite their bait, Anna. You knew how cruel is that man. Besides, he aims for your head. If you show yourself there without a concrete plan, you'll die for a moment's notice," he said.

Mrs. Guccino disagreed to my plan as well. "We cannot risk you, your majesty."

"But how can we stop him from this hostage taking?! He wants me and I owe the whole Paris a promise of peace!" My voice raised when I speak.

Mr. Zirco suddenly caught my attention when he said something. "We cannot stop them until one of you die and it shouldn't be you, your majesty."

"You're right," I said before taking a sit. "Max, I will just get something on my room. Please take charge."

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