Chapter 7

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"Sometimes, we blame love for the consequences of our actions to avoid the feeling of guilt."

- Damien J.


1 month later

It's my first day as a normal worker in Heiltonn Empire. Since my mom took charge, I have to work on my own. She can't help me anymore because she is busy doing her own job.

I arrived in the empire as early as I could. The gates are closed — as usual. It was like yesterday when I was sent here and they gave me the best entrance in my entire life. Now, everything has changed. I had to enter the empire using the pavement wherein guards are having thorough checkings to each person who wish to come in.

It took me more than 20 minutes in that pavement. I was never used to it. After that, I went to my mom's office because I don't know where my department would be.

"Mom?" I called her after knocking her door.

I entered her office and asked her about the whereabouts of my department. Before she could answer, Maximus came in.

"Lady Cali, my staffs told me that you wish to see me immediately," he spoke in respectful manner.

"Call me Aunt Cali, Max. You are not a stranger to me. After all, you are my brother-in-law's son," mom said.

Maximus nodded and agreed to how my mom wanted him to call her. Plastic! He never wanted to call me Annastasia when I took the spot as a ruler and he was never this respectful that time too.

"Mom, tell me where I should go. My time is running," I said. It's late when I realized that I was so rude for that.

Mom was surprised as she say, "Goodness!"

"I didn't know that this is how the supposed heiress behave in front of her mom," my cousin stated.

"Don't push it, Maximus. I am talking to my mom and not to a forgotten-supposed-successor like you." I don't know where I took all the courage. I should be ashamed right now since I know he's mad but I can't help but to get mad.

"Annastasia!" mom stopped me.

"So where should I go?" I ask in a rebellious manner.

"You will be a secretary," she started.

"Wait what?! I should be more than that. How could I learn everything if you'll just appoint me to be someone else's secretary?" I complained.

She shook her head and touches her temple. "You can't do anything about that," she said in authoritative tone.

"Mom, I am the heiress of the Heiltonn Empi-"

"Don't prove other people that you really are a black sheep of this family!" When she said that, I came back to my senses and I hate to admit that she is right.

Silence occupied the room. I look at Maximus and he was smirking like a dog. I heaved a deep audible breath before speaking.

"Fine. Who among the board members would be my boss?" I asked using a monotonous manner.

"Maximus," she said before leaving the room and I was left annoyed.

I look around and I didn't see him. Maybe he talked to my mom about this. As quick as I could be, I went to his office but it was locked. I asked the janitor about him and he said that he was in the conference room.

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