Chapter 20

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"Some people are worth fighting for but sometimes, it's taken for granted."
-Annastasia H.


Someone told me that life is never fair. The only thing that makes us all equal is death, wherein no one is richer and powerful than anyone.

A friend also told me that aiming for fairness is impossible. Nobody in this world wanted to live the same life as others. Believe me, everyone wants to be greater than someone in some aspects. In short, there's really no fairness if you live in this cruel world.

"Can you not touch me?!" yelled by someone. It brought me back to reality from a deep thought when a woman pushed a beggar.

That woman was wearing bright blue dress with her coat hanged on her arms. Shiny jewelries were also seen on her neck and wrist — a typical boastful first class. On the other hand, there's this beggar she pushed, wearing worn out dirty clothes and messy face. He almost fell on the dangerous road and so I asked Samuel to stop over.

"Hey!" I yelled, pointing the woman in blue dress. "How dare you push a beggar like that?"

"How dare you talk to me like that?" she fired back as I help the man stand up.

I didn't bother to look at her because my attention was focused on helping the man he pushed on the street. I saw the man shred a tear as he rub his elbow.

"Hey, look at me, nosy bitch!" she exclaimed as she pull my hair.

I lost my balance and so I fell on the ground. When she didn't release my hair, the beggar helped me by pushing her away. I fixed my hair before looking at her.

"Such a barbaric," I teased her. When she recognized my face, her eyes gone bewildered. "You look good in your dress and jewels but I can't recognize which class you're from. Oh! Maybe beneath the lower class, how cheap."

"I know you!"

"You should. Now, before it gets any worse, bow before him," I said. There's a sudden commotion as people saw what's going on between me and the lady.

"You can't do that! I belong to the upper class!" she stubbornly complained.

"What now? Come on, I'm getting pissed. Bow before him and kiss his feet!" I ordered. The beggar shook his head to disagree but I insisted the command.

She slowly kneeled and her hands were trembling. The shaking on her body shows me how scared she is with my presence. Maybe because she knew where I came from and what am I capable to do since she pulled my hair.

"No matter how much money do you have, if you don't know how to value other people, you do not deserve the brand of human." People around us took their phones and recorded the scenario. I don't care for as long as I'm in the right side. They deserve to hear what I will say and other people deserve to know how important is respect and sympathy for others.

"Annastasia!" Samuel called me.

I could not bear if I will leave the man here and so I asked Samuel and Belle if we could let the beggar join us. At first, I was hesitant because it wasn't my car and I don't know if how much can they bear if I bring this man with us.

"Don't worry, Annastasia. It's alright," Belle said before getting some wipes from her bag. "Please don't take it offensive, mister. Here's some wet wipes so you could wipe your face."

"T-thank you," he said before getting them.

Belle is a very nice and open-minded lady. She's polite unlike how I see other people who belong to a rich family. Samuel headed to my unit and when we got there, I asked them to rest for a while before we go and take our lunch.

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