Chapter 33

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"One day, you'll see yourself doing the things you hated in the past."
- Countess Shades, TDYSG (2020)


"Zacharius wasn't around."

When Dantes told me that he wasn't around, I tried to look for him but Belinda stopped me as the rain started pouring. I have no choice but to pray that he was just somewhere and he was waiting for the rain to stop.

We went inside and I checked if Hailey was asleep but she wasn't. Belinda and Dantes went to the kitchen to make some coffee while I sat beside my cousin. She looked at me with something strange in her eyes.

I could still feel the awkwardness that the game has given us. It's like a barrier that hinders me to talk to her. She touched ny hand when a tear shred from her eyes.

"Do you still love Zach?" she asked and the same feeling of fear plastered over my face. "Can you tell me the truth?"

I heaved a deep audible breath. I am not ready to answer her question because I am still thinking about what to do and not a single clue came to help me.

I shrugged my shoulders while caressing her forehand. "I don't know, Hailey. There are so much things that came along our way and I don't think I have figured out everything. Even though Manuel is now in jail, there's something that I need to do and I can feel it the weight of that responsibility."

"Why?" she asked out of the context. I arched my brows, asking what she meant. "I mean, don't you think he still love you?"

And just like the first answer I gave, I don't know. Maybe the vision of love on my head didn't meet our reality because there's a part of me that keeps on pulling me back to my questions. Zach and I met before the truth was unveiled and I'm wishing to undo everything and let me not know anything about the past because I am happier before. As time passes by, the distance between us gets longer and longer until we cannot reach each other anymore.

The idea of love in reality over my ideologies are further different. I thought, when you love someone, you wouldn't mind of the past and you could easily forgive them. Maybe I need something that can make me change my mind.

When I look at my cousin, she's now asleep. I don't understand if she's in pain or something but I can feel that she wanted to take a rest from these things. I saw Dantes and Belinda on my peripheral view sitting beside the table.

"I-I don't know what to do anymore-" I didn't finish what I was saying when my voice cracked and I found myself in the arms of the general servant who raised me.

She rubbed her hands over my back. "Shh, it will be fine, dear."

I don't know but I feel so weak. Crying on her shoulders helped me lessen the heaviness I am carrying over my chest. She really knows what makes me calm. Growing up, I have always had her. She is my comfort zone and she knew me better than anyone else.

"I am so tired of this, Belinda. Tell me what to do," I said while wiping the tears off my face. "I'm so tired of hurting people. I'm so tired of this pain. I'm so tired of this life. I missed my dad"

"It's alright to feel exhausted, Anna. It makes you alive and human but there's only one thing you could do if you're tired. Take a rest but never quit. You're too far from the starting line and who knows, maybe you're one step close to the end."

Those were the last lines I heard from her before I fell asleep. It was comforting and the heaviness over my chest lightened. Maybe the best way to lessen your suffering is by having someone to help carry that burden.

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