Chapter 10

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"To see the person you love walk slowly away from you is the most excruciating way to die."
-Annastasia H.


The feeling of remorse has been eating me for days. I can't pay attention on my work and the thought I had in my head is driving me crazy. I don't know what to feel because it's perplexing me until now.

Hailey is my better half. Ever since I was a child, we were very close and people get the wrong idea that we are siblings. She's like a sister to me. I remember how kind she was and I couldn't be more grateful that I have her as my cousin.

When I was a kid, mom and dad don't usually come home. They were very workaholic that's why I pity myself and get envious to Hailey. Her parents, more than mine, are handful and in touch with her. They usually go to places that a kid would always love to go while I, on my room, have my own world where no one dare to cross. It was dark, cold and the excruciating melody of life covers me so no body would ever like to enter.

One day, Hailey knocked my door, asking me to go with her. I know she doesn't like to enter because it's blue and I thought she just need my help but I was wrong — she let me enter her world instead. She let me experience how to be like her by inviting me to join their weekly date and monthly vacation. It was the first time when I felt being a kid and I realized, my comfort zone might have caused less comfort to me as it gets smaller as I grow.

"Right, Annastasia?"

Maximus brought me back to my senses when he wave his palm over my face. I was definitely startled and that's embarrassing since the board members were around.

"I'm sorry. What's that again?" I asked. Maximus shook his head and gave me a warning look.

He sighed before answering. "I said, it is best for you if you handle the upcoming event."


"You heard me. It will make you look good and you will get to know the company as you contribute to the event. It's a win-win situation." When he said that, I dropped my jaw in surprise.

"But you said my proposal was ill," I answered back to show disbelief to what he just said.

"The directors have made their minds. You will take over the managing but you have to tell us your plan first before proceeding," he said before proceeding to the next agenda.

The meeting took three hours long since they have to discuss what I should do and how the past events went. It was that incredulous by which even my eyes cannot believe what responsibility was given me to carry over my shoulders.

After the meeting, I went back to cubicle. I felt my eyes getting heavy and so I took a nap on my desk. I woke up when a hand came to wake me. When I look at the time, it was quarter after five.

"You look tired," said Hailey while firmly standing in front of my desk.

My eyes were still heavy as I turn to look at her. I gave her a nod as I try to swerve off her glances. It feels awkwardly unbearable seeing her smile at me while I was, in my head, trying to stop her marriage. The thought kills me by throwing rapid poisoned arrows.

"Are you alright?" Maximus cut the silence. He stood manly beside Hailey and the authority in his personality was vividly shown.

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