Chapter 14

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"Sometimes, doing the right thing chokes me and I can't deny that making a mistake is somehow comforting."
- Zacharius V.


The water was cold as it travels my body. I couldn't help myself but to gasp as it gives me a good sensation. I thought of the things that just happened and I could say that it was too fast to digest.

First, I became an heiress but later on I was dethroned as I put much lives in danger. Second, uncle David died and Hailey came to meet her future husband. Third, Zacharius came back, begging me to fight for him after knowing that he's engaged to my cousin. Now, we're both the talk of the town and he's being accused of kidnapping. Everything just happened so fast.

"Hey, Annastasia! Are you alright?"

Her high pitch voice brought me back from my thoughts. It was her, Honey, who's been annoying me since we came here. I don't know why but her presence makes me go wild and aggressive.

"Yeah why?" I answered with a cold tone.

"Hurry up! It's lunch time," she said before heading downstairs. Her steps were just heavy for me to hear that she went back to her cousin and grandma.

When I finished taking a bath, I went to see them in the dinning area. Actually, this house seems to be familiar to me but I'm not sure. I couldn't regain a single memory of this house but the feeling made me feel comfortable at this place.

"Let's eat, Annastasia. I bet you're starving by now," grandma said. I look at Zach to confirm if he told then already but he shrugged his shoulders.

"Why are you giving that kind of glances?" Honey asked, suddenly being nosy.

"I have to tell you something," Zach started as I take my seat. He looked at me, nervously, so I gave him a hand to boost his confidence. "We are being searched by her parents. Actually, I'm on top of the wanted list by now because they thought-"

"You kidnapped the sole heiress of Heiltonn Family," grandma cut him. How does she know?

"Oh my god!" Honey cannot hold her surprised look and so she reacted, suddenly dropping her utensils and that noise created a deep silence.

"You knew?" I asked while looking at grandma.

She shook her head, her reaction wasn't vivid — it could be surprised and scared. "I don't, but that's what it seems. Bunny, you have to bring her back!"

Zach was shocked by how she said it. She seems terrified, acting like she really want to send to back. Grandma stood up and we were waiting about what she'll do next. After a couple of minutes of being out of the dinning area, she went back holding a phone. She handed me the phone and I could notice her fear when she touched me, trembling and cold.

"Call your mother, dear. Tell her that you're at my house and she'll get you. She knows where it is. Come on, do it!" I was surprised when she said that, almost a yell.

"I can't do that, grandma," I said while giving the phone back. "He didn't force me. I went here with him."

"Grandma, she can't go back. That's not what she wants and I couldn't let her live the life she doesn't want to take part!" Zach is a bit mad upon saying those.

Honey joined the conversation by saying, "But you can't take her just like that!"

"You shut up!" he stopped her from saying a word.

"Zacharius Voyage!"
A sudden silence filled the dinning area when grandma called his name. At a moment, I froze because I'm not used to seeing a grandmother being so terribly mad with her grandchildren. I bowed my head as embarrassment started to cover up.

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