Chapter 16

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"Love drives people to live their life to the foolish way they think was best."


"I love you too," he answered before kissing me.

The ring was beautiful and it makes me think that I'm dreaming. Everything feels surreal and I couldn't imagine what just happened. I just deciphered things when it was there, ready to be swallowed.

Zach offered me a seat. His smile is wide and it could tear his cheek apart. I'm not used to seeing him like this. My heart can't stop pounding hard as he sat in front of me, looking so handsome in his smile.

"I can't believe this, Zach," I said while still thinking about his proposal. "I'm engaged now!"

"Yeah? You nust get used to it, babe," he said before we started eating.

Our smiles were speaking about how happy we are at the moment. The stars in the sky gave their support as they shine bright with the moon. Everything was just surreal and I can't hide the joy I am feeling right now.

He sang once more but I stopped him. If he continue to sing, I might die too early. Can we die because we feel so happy about someone? I'm laughing as he does and everything tastes so sweet for me. I don't know if it's just me or the moment really gave me this kind of feeling.

"Babe," he called me so I lift my chin to look at him. "Let's go back to Paris."

Upon hearing those words, my world stopped. I feel like I skipped breathing and for no reason, I froze. I suddenly thought of mom. She would definitely drag him in jail and she will hinder our love story.

"You know that my mom was capable of doing things worst, right?" I asked and he nodded. "We can't go back this soon, Zach."

"But if this will continue to prolong, she'll have a great reason to separate us," he said while looking into my eyes. "Trust me, Tash, this will be better soon."

"Can we not talk about that now?" I asked and he smiled as a reply.

That night, we enjoyed every minute of being together. We talked about our future. I asked him how many kids does he want to have and what names would he prefer to use. We laughed upon hearing each others suggestions about the names and I couldn't help myself to keep falling in love woth this person.

When we went home, we shared the news to Honey and grandma. As we expected, grandma took another round of talk but she ended up supporting our relationship. She just wanted us to go back and clear what really happened so she could feel at ease.

"Babe," Zach called me after the lights were turned off.

"Yes?" I asked, wondering why is he calling me.

He sighed before speaking, suddenly nervous about saying it. "Can we do it?"

"Do what?"

"Can we.. nevermind," he said as he turn his back on me.

I chuckled after seeing him like a child. I pulled him and he turn around. When I got the chance, I went on his top and gave him a peck. Then, I went back to the other side of bed.

"What?" he reacted. Maybe he's expecting more than what I did.

"Don't overdo it, Zach. I'm not letting you this time," I answered before covering myself. I heard him sigh and I laughed before going to sleep.

THE SUN WAKE ME when it touched my cheek. I look beside me and I saw a sleeping handsome. I touched his cheek with my hand before giving him a kiss.

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