Chapter 18

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"One day, you'll realize how much time you wasted for someone."
-Maximus H.


It's a normal day. Aside from being chased by reporters and nosy people, nothing's new. I came back to work since the upcoming event that was tasked on me is quite near so I need to push myself harder. This might also help me divert my attention to what just happened.

"Are you sure that you can take the job, Annastasia?" Maximus asked in his cold tone.

I nodded, that's enough for him to understand. I don't want to speak much because I feel like my energy is draining everytime I try to say something.

I started looking at the portfolios on my desk, property of the company which contains all the plans they have been doing from the passed years. I think, this is too old for our generation. Now I know why I never heard about this empire when I'm still in the Philippines. Heiltonn Empire have different names in my country and in US.

"Are you alright, Anna?" asked by Max and I gave him a nod as a response.

As I scan the papers, I noticed that only French citizens were invited and theybare mostly from elite groups. I think, there's a need when it comes to exclusivity of the company and inclusivity of people. There should be no hindrance when it comes to social classes.

"If you're not okay, you can go and take a re-"

"Maximus, can I ask you about the company?" I cut him.

He sighed before sitting in front of me. "Okay, what do you what to know?"

"In the passed decades, how come you never opened the empire for everyone?" I asked

"The empire was said to be exclusive for the elite since it was filled with businessmen with high standards. If we open it for the lower classes, do you think they'll enjoy staying in a business class empire?"

"Isn't it a ironic that we serve for the people but we never allow them to enter and see the empire? I mean, we could separate the businessmen to those who wants to see the empire-"

"Annastasia, the empire isn't a museum or a tourist spot. Even the smallest company of the world would never allow intruders to get in. Thus, only those who have businesses to do with the empire can cross the gates." Maximus crossed his shoulders while looking at me.

"I get it. I have something on my mind but I'm not sure if it's possible," I said while playing a pen in my hand.

"Let me hear it."

"If we can't open the empire for the people, let's open the event at least for the public. We can open this year's anniversary for everyone regardless of their race, social status and age. I think it will help the empire grow not only here in France but also around the world," I suggested.

He raised his brow and scratched his temple. "And how are you planning to do that?"

"We will open the celebration to the public and we will present some charities that we want to help like for child support, for an example, so people who are capable of doing and sharing kindness could extend their hands through the help of the empire. That case, we can convince different countries to join us and be our allies."

"That sounds interesting, Annastasia," he compliment.

"I also noticed that the events are only focused to bussiness, I think we must include fun activities that people can engage. I also want to propose for a fireworks display followed by drown show. For me, people never get fed up with fireworks because it brings hope and joy to them as they watch," I said before taking a sip on my juice.

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