Chapter 35

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"When our stars collide, tell me you still love me. If not, let the moon have me as a decor in his sky."
- Annastasia, TDYSG (2020)


Once upon a time, a girl dreamt of something. It was happy and fulfilling as she could describe it. On her vision was an image of a guy waiting on the opposite side of the aisle wearing his favorite white suit. For her, the most extravagant wedding was the simplest one where only immediate relatives are present, an intimate celebration indeed. That girl's dream was simple and now she's quite near to achieve that dream. I am that girl.

As the news about Zach's proposal headline the newspapers, the whole Paris gave us watching eyes day by day. You could see the stolen pictures in the internet with a hashtag (#HeirAndHeiress) and they could tell thousands of stories. When I saw a photo last night on my instagram, comments have flooded. They were asking if Zach was staying inside the empire or I am staying over his house. I don't know but even if I notice some bashers, I can't help but to smile. Why not?

"Base on the monthly ratings we're still on top but we are 97% ahead from the competition as we successfully pulled out the anniversary which brought numerous of business partners and different branches around the world. Another reason is the sudden wedding proposal of Mr. Voyage which made a loud noise in the cyber world. Who would have thought that the new generation of both competing empires in the past will unite?" Mr. Zirco said while presenting his report.

Mrs. Guccino suddenly look at me. "Your majesty, are you really sure about this? I'm not questioning your decision making skills but it makes me worried after knowing that Manuel Voyage was alive. What if his son was a bait-"

"Mrs. Guccino, Manuel is now in prison and whatever happens between me and Zach, I assure you that it will not affect the empire. Once I learn that it was just a trap, I will immediately pass the position to Maximus so that they couldn't ruin the empire but I am certain that Zach isn't like his father," I replied after cutting her.

She look at me and gave me a smile. The other board members also talked about that issue but I have convinced them that we have nothing to worry. My phone vibrated before the meeting continued.

Would you like to have dinner at my place?
I'll pick you up at 7 in the evening.

My smile vanished when Maximus called my attention. I almost forgot that we're on a meeting so I paid back my attention to Mr. Schwartz who's now discussing about his proposal for the Global Peace and Freedom event.

It was a long day, I must say because we are moving to an exclusive platform so changes keep on coming. Luckily, I have Dantes and Maximus to help me with the decisions I should make. Now, I'm on my office, sitting on my swivel chair.

Loud knocks caught my attention. As I expected, it was Zacharius who's bringing a bouquet of roses. He looks good on his attire and I couldn't help but to stare at his perfect body. When my eyes pan over his face, a saw a smirk plastered on his face.

"Are you done checking your future husband's sexy body?" he asked in a conceited manner.

I rolled my eyes. I hemmed and hawed before giving an answer. "I-I'm not looking at you body! And who said you're sexy?"

He wrapped his hands around my waste before giving me a peck. His lips went over my ear before uttering something. "I remembered you said it when we're doing it in the forest."

I hit his chest when I deciphered what he meant. He laughed with my reaction as I blushed in embarrassment. This guy is kinda pervert inside. I walked out of the office with my bag and he sent me to my room so I could change my outfit. Of course, I wouldn't go on a date wearing this kind of dress!

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