Chapter 4

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"I never wanted you in my life, I needed you and there's a big difference."

-Zacharious V.


"Did you miss me?" asked by the person in front of me.

I froze for a moment. I have never seen him for so long. Memories flashed in my head as I walk towards him. I gave him a warm hug, a tight embrace that tells how much I missed him.

"Uncle David!" I cheerfully greeted him. "I missed you so much!"

"My Dear Anna, you are already a grown-up lady! It has been so long since I met you," he said as he caress my back.

Uncle David is my dad's older brother. He acted as my father when dad passed away. I grew up in a broken family but I nevel felt that I belong to such malfunctioning family because of him. Uncle David protected me so much and treated me as his daughter.

I came back to my senses when he released me. I smiled from ear to ear, showing how glad I am to see him.

"By the way, Uncle David, what are you doing here?" I asked and the mood went serious.

"Actually, it's because the board members want to see the alleged daughter of the late Empire King," he explained.

"Uncle," I started with a gloomy tone. "...I had no idea about what's happening."

"I will explain it when we arrived in the Empire," he said after patting my shoulders.

Uncle David commanded his men to get all my stuffs. I paid attention to my personal belongings while his men are taking other necessities in my room. One of them took my car while I go with my uncle. He wanted me to join him as we go to the Empire because he missed me so much and I have no guts to refuse so.

"Your dad build his own Empire when our father died due to heart attack," he started.

"For what, uncle?" I asked to feed ny curiosity.

"Our family is known for being the most powerful and influential family here in France. Your great grandpa played a big part in establishing this country. Because of that, his children could easily get into politics as people trusted them," he continued explaining.

"So we can get into politics because we carry the name of my great grandpa?" I asked once more and he shook his head.

"No, Anna. We are never carried by his name. Everything that we have is because of meritocracy. We are known to be skillful as we have the ability to control everyone with our own rules," he answered.

"So, uncle, why did dad build this Empire?"

"To protect our family's name and keep the legacy that grandfather left us. Heiltonn Empire is not just a simple industry — it is an independent empire by which everyone feared us, even the government." he said as goosebumps start to cover my bare skin.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we were armed and prepared for any type of battle. If so the government hinders us, they shall not depend on our protection and help."

"But if we were feared by many, why did they abduct me? Dad died without any protection from this empire. And why did you keep me private?" I asked in a high tone. I know that I'm getting eager to know everything.

"Your father's best friend betrayed him because of power. He abducted you to force your father to give not just money but the ownership of the empire and the board cannot do anything to help him since it is a battle of upper hands. I came into the scene when he died as your father set me as the temporary ruler of Heiltonn Empire here in France." he explained as he caress my tightly closed fist.

"You haven't answered my last question, uncle," I dropped into a monotonous tone.

"You are never kept in private. You were protected from the public because if they knew that you are still alive, they will use you against your mom," uncle said.

Now, I could decipher such things. I am a part of an influential family who run an empire which was build and established by my father.

This concludes why mom trained me how to be a lady with class and treated me as a royal princess in our house. Wait, did she purposely disliked me so that people cannot use me against her?

"We are here, master," the driver said.

I look at my uncle and he gave me a smile. "Take it easy, dear. I know it wasn't that facile but you have to trust yourself."

"What should I do if I meet them?" I asked nervously since I don't know what kind of people are they.

"Max will guide you. Always remember, Anna, the heiress shall never get intimidated by anyone," he said before the door opened.

I get off the car as look around. I saw an intimidating tall door attached to huge walls. This is ten times bigger that the Great Wall and I wasn't even exaggerating. What kind of place is this?

Suddenly, the door opened and I saw people bowing for me. I fixed myself up and walked through the black carpet. It's kinda funny seeing them stand after a pass through them. I pity those at the end of this carpet.

As I reach the hallway, there were dignified people standing firm. I also saw Max in his poker face. They turned their backs and started walking. I look at them as they slowly walk away from me. It's weird.

"Follow us," ordered by Max. My cousin seems strict and stiff. He barely give emotion, actually all of them.

I followed them as I was told. They headed in a hall where chairs filled the spacious area. People are whispering as if they were sending gossips from one person to another.

From a distance, I saw Uncle David sitting in a majestic chair. He looks like a king at this very set-up. He gave me kiling gazes and I wonder why. Everybody inside this hall are serious and it's scaring me out.

"She is the said heiress of the Heiltonn Empire," loud and authoritatively said by Max.

Everyone gave their full attention towards me. They are all in serious looks even if I smiled and showed them respect as I bow. People here are not as kind as I expected them to be.

"She doesn't look like a heiress."

"Is she the lost child of the late founder?"

"They should have checked first because she doesn't appear to be like her father."

Those are just few of what I heard from these people. The whispers continued but I could assure myself that they don't like me here. I don't know where to focus my head; to my uncle or to these gossiping people.

Suddenly, I remember what Uncle David told me a while ago. Right, I shouldn't be afraid and intimidated at all.

"Move," I coldly ordered those who brought me here.

They look at me surprised. I don't think I'm doing a wrong thing because I saw Uncle David smile at me so I continue doing so.

"I said, move!" As quick as they could, they gave me a way.

I walked fiercely from where I stand to where Uncle David is sitting. I didn't bother looking at anyone. This is what my mother taught me when she brought me to her company but that's way smaller than this empire.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" asked by the appointed King, Uncle David.

I stood in front of him and maintained my posture. "You should get off my chair now," I ordered in a monotonous tone.

Uncle David went off his chair as I told him. I take a sit and everybody stood up. My uncle smiled at me and gave me a wink.

"I am Annastasia Heiltonn, the heiress and the rightful ruler of this Empire."

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