Chapter 9

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"If I learned something about loving you, it is that love is the greatest poison and it was known to have no medicine at all."
-Zacharius V.


There was something written on the photograph inside the frame. I tried to look at it as close as I could but I can't decipher what was written. I examined all the photos even the small one near the vase and I saw those words written exactly the same. Suddenly, loud slams of heels were heard and it goes in this office's direction.

My heart jumped that moment as I accidentally hit the small picture frame. The glass cover of the emerald frame have broken into pieces so I duck to pick them up.

"What are you doing?" high pitched lady asked as she came inside. I can't be wrong in distinguishing who she was.

"Hailey!" my voice was full of excitement as I come to reach my cousin. She's the daughter of my aunt who manages the empire in US.

"I missed you!" she said, giving me a warm hug.

Apparently, she saw what happened to the picture and someone went to clean it up. When the janitress took everything to the bin, I asked her to give me the photo of my father.

"I heard what happened to you, couz!" she said as I pack up my things to get back to work.

"I don't want to talk about it, Hailey. What I want to know is what are you doing here? Are with aunt?" I asked to swerve off the topic.

"She didn't make it because she attended a business meeting in South Africa. Well, at least I'm here with you to detour!" she excitedly said.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Unfortunately, Maximus won't allow it."


"I am working as his secretary."

"Oh! That's bad! Anyways, I will talk to him about this," she insisted but Maximus' words came flashing inside my head and my heart jump.

"No! He will get upset, Hailey." I refused as a man came inside. "I have to go."

"Hey, Chubby!" she called and I turned my back to look who is she calling.

Maximus raise an eyebrow and I think he's the one being called. I smiled after hearing that and I looked at Hailey, signaling her not to call Maximus that because he might get mad.

"You liitle pug! Why are you punishing my favorite cousin?!" she hissed, combing her long blonde hair with her fingers.

"Lady Hanna Leigh, she's my business-"

Hailey's eyes grew big and her mouth went open and close. "You prick! Don't call me with that!" she then pulled Maximus' ears.

"Hey, hey! Stop!"

"In one condition!" she requested.

"What do you want?"

"Let's go out. Cousins day, duh!" she excitedly said as she point her index fingers to one another.

"No," he calmly said as he turn his back.

"Yes! Let's go!" she pulled both of us and we went out of the office.

Even in dismay, Maximus didn't say a word. He even drive the car for us and he sent us to a museum. Hailey shared a sharp gaze when she realized where we were.

"Museum? Really?!"

"Where do you want then? You have visited the places I know here in the passed years. Don't you get full of them?" Max answered.

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