Chapter 19

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"Trust your heart as it will show you the way to where your path really leads you."
-Samuel V.


It's been a while when we last met and we part ways in an inappropriate way. I never had the chance to bid him goodbye since I left Philippines in an instant.

"What are you doing here?" That's the first thing I wanted to ask him.

He looked at me with a smile on his face. "I'm driving," he jokingly said.

"You didn't change at all, Sam," I said before smiling bitterly.

"Yeah? How so?"

"You are still up on your lame jokes," I chucked, he suddenly look at me. "Tell me, Sam. Why are you here in Paris?"

"Honeymoon," he said. My eyes gone bewildered upon hearing his answer.

"You were joking, right?" I asked, still not believing what I just heard. "I'm not buying that joke."

"I'm serious, Annastasia. My wife and I came here for honeymoon but unfortunately, grandma's house was burnt and she was ill," he said. I only lost my doubt when he show me his fingers, proudly showing his wedding ring.

"How was she now?" I asked. "Honey doesn't want me to get in there. Maybe she's still mad at me."

"Don't mind her. She doesn't like everyone and that's normal," he told me while laughing. "Only Zach and grandma could go near her. She's quite naughty and boyish."

"You were close?"

"No. She doesn't like me. Honey hates me because I killed her plants when we were young and I freed her bird afterwards," he answered as wide smile plastered on his face.

"You're the bad guy. I see now why she hates you," I said before we stopped somewhere. "What's this place?"

"It's their new house. Come on, I'll introduce you to my wife. She's probably with grandma now. At least you can see her," he stated and I suddenly felt the chills on my spine.

"No. I-I have something to do, Sam. Can we do it next time?"

"Zach doesn't stay here," he said and my nervousness dropped. "I knew it."


"You still haven't moved on. I can't blame you. Your unfinished business resumed here yet it ended all of a sudden," he said while looking sadly. "I told you, Annastasia. You could have loved me."

"You're a married man now, Sam. Don't say that," I nonchalantly said. "If we didn't part ways, you wouldn't be this happy because I can only offer you my body but not my heart."

"Savage. Fuck, it hurts," he joked while holding his chest and acting out the pain. "You don't need to say that."

I laughed upon seeing him like that. To be honest, I have never imagined him being this comfortable with me even though we were once lovers. I thought, he would ignore me afterwards since we didn't end well.

"About what happened to the beach," I started, suddenly my tone become serious. "I would like to say sorry for making you feel that-"

He cut me by saying, "Past is past, Annastasia. Forget about what happened between us in the past. We are cool now and we shouldn't waste our time by reminiscing bad memories. How can you move on if you are still holding in the past then?"

"Fine. But I'm still mad at you for leaving me there. You even threw the bracelet I gave you," I said while crossing my arms.

He raised his right wrist to show me the bracelet. "I asked them to look for it."

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