Chapter 26

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"Lies are meant to hurt someone."
- Annastasia H.


With heavy steps, I went to the empire. Time flies rapidly when you're doing something and now, I only have one day left before the event. Yes, tomorrow would be the grand opening of the anniversary and I have to test everything today.

"Anna!" called Belle from the other side of the dome. I look at her and gave her a thumbs up so she could recognize my response towards the positioning of the lights and decor.

Even though this event is too big for us to handle, I never thought of having an event organizer because I wanted to keep things on my favor. At least I have Belle and Samuel to help me, that's totally alright.

"Sam, I'll go to the security area. I have to check if it's properly working. I leave you in charge here," I told Samuel who is standing next to me.

He look at me with nervous expression. "I am having a bad feeling about this, Annastasia. Can you stay here? I don't think I can lead here since it's you who knows your vision."

"Don't think too much, Sam. I will be back after an hour," I held his shoulders before I move away.

I don't know but Samuel and Belle have been this concern to me after knowing that I confronted Zach. At first, Samuel hesitated to come and talk to me because he was an immediate cousin of Zacharius but I told him that it was never his fault. He has nothing to do about it anyway.

When I passed by the hall, I saw how presentable and enticing the decors are. Everything seems to be perfect and I am excited for tomorrow.

"How's it going?" I asked to the man standing near the magnetic wall button.

I look around and no one is here aside from the man I just talked to. Where are the other personnel? I checked the time and it wasn't even there break time.

"Where are your mates? And why is there a chain here?!" I asked, suddenly getting mad.

He didn't say a word and remained standing back. I was about to touch him a stepped on the chain. I picked it up but it was heavy so I let it go. There's another thing that I noticed about the chain, it has a circular metal at the end. I thought they're using it to check the wall if it works. Good sample though.

"It's time," whispered by a hoarse voice and when I look at him, I saw him wearing a mask.

It was a familiar look from my past. Due to adrenaline, I managed to hit him but he wrapped the chain over my body. Suddenly, the man standing beside the button pressed it causing the magnets to be activated. Thus, the metalic edges of the chain were pulled in different directions since both sides of the wall are filled with magnets.

As a result, the chain tightened and I could feel the force being exerted to it and the effect was left for my body to feel. Since the chain was wrapped around me, my breathing went heavy and I couldn't even bare the pain so I shouted so loud.

"Shut up!" the man wearing a white mask ordered.

He then pointed his gun on me. My heart trembled in fear and I thought it was the end of my life. Luckily, the magnets pulled the gun off his hand and it was too hard for him to remove.

"Anna!" Samuel called and they rush to help me. The man in white mask started running while the person who pressed the button run to the stairs.

Belle pressed the button, allowing the chains to let go of the wall and so I took the chance to breathe in. Samuel ran upstairs with the guards to catch the culprit while Belle helped me to stand up.

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