Chapter 6

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"If our love was wrong, I don't want to be right anymore."

- Zacharius V.


Uncle David was the nicest guy I have ever known next to my father and just like Dad, he died to protect me. The world is too cruel for me and I can't withstand losing the people I loved the most. My life was chaotic as I become unruly. I don't know why but I never felt the excitement of being an heiress.

Most people dream about becoming a princess or someone who has the power to control people. I thought, that would be nice but I am definitely wrong. I don't know if I am a subject of misfortune or maybe luck is not for me.

All my life, I felt like I was choking. I could barely breathe from every single thing I was taught when I was a kid. Now that I found a path to take, a big responsibility took me off that path. Without enough knowledge and experience, I took a grasp on things using such audacity and exception to meritocracy. I feel bad for Dad, for Uncle David and for myself.

The buble popped when I saw a familiar figure of guy in the mirror. I look down. I can't even look into his eyes because I know, even if he refuse to say, he is mad. Who wouldn't be?

"Lady Anna, the media awaits for your words. You should go back there," he reminded me using a cold tone.

I look into his face as I heaved an audible breath. "Max, I'm very sorry for-"

He cut me off. I was trying to apologize for my uncle's death but he cut me off. He's being like this for a week since Uncle David got buried.

"Lady Anna, I don't need to hear those. Father died because of your negligence so if you really were sorry, fix yourself and don't waste my father's sacrifices," he spoke as he walk away.

Tears start cascading down my cheek and even if I swerve them from falling, I can't. I am still blaming myself for what happened - just like how Max feels towards me.

I fixed myself and wipe all the tears over my face. When I open the doors, the servants and the security group headed my way. As we reach the main hall, servants made a little retouch on my face. Guards move to secure me as they were told my mom.

"We have tightened the security of the palace and we are moving to establish a deserving heiress out of Annastasia." I overheard my mom's words from a distance.

I decided to open the doors and take my ways to my chair. Cameras started flushing and the flickering sounds were heard as they fill the area. When I reached my chair, a deafening silence plastered.

"Mom," I greeted her with a nod and she replied back.

"I think, it's time to hear what the heiress has to say," she said, making the crowd turn their attention on me.

"First of all, I would like to apologize for what happened," I started.

Suddenly, my eyes caught Max entering the hall so I paused to breathe. I look in my mother's face and she signaled me to resume speaking.

"Life is a valuable belonging that I took from people. I brought their lives into end and everyone are still in pain. I must know since Uncle David died as well..." I stopped as tears start to build up.

"...and it was my fault. That time, I was too reckless and ignorant about the possibility of causing troubles in this empire and maybe even at this point. I just wanted to open the empire for the public so people could get in but my decision was urgent and stupid. I lack the potential to be the rightful heiress so I came here for a proposition." I said and people wonder about what I were to offer.

"Lady Anna, what would it be?" asked by one of the directors.

"I don't want to waste the sacrifices of my father and uncle so I won't give up on the position as suggested by many... but I will try to improve myself by learning everything by experience." I answered as cameras started flushing again.

"What do you mean, Lady Anna?" asked by the Vice President of Operation.

"I would like to work as part of the operation and processes so I could grasp knowledge about the company. And for the mean time, I would like to turnover my position," I said.

The crowd were in shock and maybe they could not believe what I just said. I look at my mom and she smiled. I look around to see Maximus and the sooner I found him, I resumed talking.

"Since Uncle David just died, the only person that I could trust to govern the empire as I took my path to learn things is Maximus. I appoint the second blood heir to take my position until the former directors and board members see that I'm ready for the position."

Everybody turned their attention to Maximus who just went up to speak. He bowed and my mom signaled him to take charge.

"I would like to thank the heiress for this opportunity but I refuse to take it," he started and everyone was shocked.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"It is an honor to have your trust, Lady Anna but I think, the person who should take over is your mom, the Queen of Empire. I think it's time for her to take back the empire as written in the testament of the late founder."

I look at my mom and even her was surprised. Maximus was so sure of his words and I can't even ingest the fact that he refused the position.

"Those who are in favor of me, as part of the head officials, please raise your hand," he pleaded.

The former and newly appointed members of the board raised their hands. Clearly, they wanted my mom to take charge. As the former ruler, I should do what is suggested and agreed upon by the board.

"Well then, I think it's time to turnover my position. I, Lady Annastasia Heiltonn, Daughter of the late founder, Heiress of the Empire, give the position to my mother for the mean time."

Everyone clapped their hands as I proclaim the new ruler. I stand up and bow to my mom before heading back to my office. The conference resumed as my mom entertained the questions while I went to take my things off the room.

"I pity you," said by the familiar voice from my back.

"Max," I spoke in surprise.

"If you think, it will be easy for you to do as you said, you're definitely wrong."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Nice drama but if you think people will buy it, you should start working because no one will protect you now. Everyone will not spare you as you have been cruel to them," he said before started walking.

"...and by the way, I won't forgive you even if you give me the whole empire, Annastasia. I lost my father and no position could bring that back."

I was left dumbfounded. He's right that no position could bring back a life but I didn't do that for him to forgive me. I did that because that's what I think is the best.... 'coz I know I wasn't.

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