Chapter 23

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"A mistake can vanish all good memories as lies always destroy the truth."
- Countess Shades (2020)


"Zach, let's break up."

My world stopped when she said those words. I thought she was pranking me but she's not. I wanted to ask her the reason but I know, by experience, she'll never give me an answer. There's only one reason that comes to my mind and it was her mother. She doesn't like me for Tash aeven though I have never done anything wrong.

"Can you do me a favor, Annastasia?" I started. "Don't cry for me if you really wanted it."

It was painful and everyone knows how it feels to be at this point. I wanted to confirm the reason that comes on my head but I have no courage to do so. I wanted to stop her, to tell her that we can fight for this together but I can't. I don't want her to suffer the consequences and I don't want to make it hard for her. I know she doesn't want to let me go but she have to.

"Smile now, Annastasia."

My voice cracked when I said that. My eyes warned me about the tears that were about to fall but I stop myself. She must not see so she could go freely. Maybe I wasn't the perfect boyfriend that she deserve. Maybe I was never enough for her.

"Goodbye," I love you.

I wanted to add that but I have no strength to utter those words. They are just too painful to say. I walked slowly as memories flash on my head.

We met in an unexpected moment of our lives and we became friends in a stupid way I know. I confessed in front of the crowd and she said yes right away. We made memories together and I thought she was happy. I though she could see me in her future but I guess it ends now as she say goodbye.

Is this what love can offer? Hurting those who used to love each other. It's unfair and painful but if this is how love works, I would still not regret loving her because for a moment, she made me enter a new world where we can be happy and true to ourselves. She made me feel alive and just like a human, I experienced how to love and how to be loved.

Walking, slowly, away from the person who showed you the world is the most painful thing. The tears that I concealed fall on my cheeks as the promises we made knock my memory.

I stopped for a while when I heard her sobs but I want her to let go of me the easiest way she could feel. If I go back and comfort her now, it would be hard for her to move. My sobs were louder than hers but I know she'll never got the chance to hear them.

"Zach.." she whispered between her sobs. I was froze and I turned to look at her.

I was about to touch her but my hand stopped inch away from her shoulder. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I stepped back and walked away.

When I found myself on the field, tears went heavy and my knees become weak. I broke into the ground as I cried the pain.

"Goddammit!" I yelled repeatedly until I have no energy left to speak.

I laid on the grass as my tears fall. Suddenly, the clouds went dark and it flooded its rain. I showered with pain and let the droplets vanish the wounds I have inside.

We planned everything. We shared each others dream and we promise had a promise of love until our last breath but I guess, promises are just words that are heavy but senseless. Maybe it's too early for us to be happy. Or maybe it's impossible for us to be together anymore.

AFTER COUPLE OF WEEKS, I asked my stepdad to send me back to Paris. I would like to stay on my grandmother's side because I know, she can understand what I feel wight now. I know she'll do something to make the pain go away.

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