Chapter 12

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"Love require sacrifices and that's completely normal."
-Annastasia H.


The solid smell of burnt rice awaken me from my sleep. As I open my eyes to look for him and wasn't able to find him inside the room, I already knew that Zach caused that smell. I tried pulling myself up but my thing between my legs hurt. It took me a long while before I found myself in the mirror, wearing boxers and a white long sleeves folded up to elbows which were apparently Zach's.

Slowly, I walk to see him in the kitchen and I was right, something's burning but it wasn't actually cooked rice. I laughed upon seeing him on his boxers and apron. His hair was messed up as he rapidly scratch his head. When he heard me chuckle, he look at me and try to hide what he did but it was too late since I saw it already.

"What are you doing?" I asked, smiling like a dog.

He rub his nape, showing disappointment to what is happening. "Cooking, but I messed up."

I walk to look at his 'cooking' and it was a total mess yet I found myself laughing hard because of what I saw. "What's this?"

"I tried to cook fried rice. Can you not laugh?" he said, suddenly being annoyed but I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Zach, when Filipinos cook fried rice, they usually use left-overs and not this uncooked rice, silly!" I laughed once more as I look at the frying pan. The rice was literally raw but he put it in, expecting to have fried rice afterwards.

"Tss. Show off!" he said, teasing me before leaning on the counter. "But I guess, I made the eggs and hotdog perfectly good."

I turn around to see the hotdogs but it was burnt as well. "They're not, Zach!" I said while holding my laughters.

"They weren't?" he asked, looking down to his thing. "I thought you enjoyed them."

It was too late for me to realize that he's not talking about the hotdogs and eggs he cooked. My cheeks went hot and I started avoiding his gazes. "Shut up!"

"How was your first?" he asked with a smirk in his face. I knew it, he'll tease me but I need to get even.

Something came in my head and I smiled upon thinking about it. I moved closer to wrap my arms on his belly. I heard him gasp for air as I tease him by reaching his lips. Afterwards, I pull his nape and seductively look in his eyes. I felt something on my stomach, since he's taller, getting bigger and I stopped right there. I did that to untie the apron so I can cook instead and my plan to tease him went successful.

"I think, this hotdog is a little bit hard," I said after wearing the apron, pressing the burnt hotdogs on the plate.

Zach bit his lips and covered his boxers with both hands. "I-I have stomach ache," he excused before running to the toilet. I knew it.

After some while of cooking, he came out from the bathroom and I can't hide the smirk on my face. I knew, this time, I won against him being a tease. My naughty side whispered something to me so I took a hotdog using a fork and I slowly bite it while my eyes were on him. I saw him swallow, really big time and that made me laugh.

I was stopped from teasing him by a phone call and it was such a relief when I saw Vince's name in it. I thought it was Hailey, but if she will call me, I might not answer it.

"Hello, Vince?" I started when I pick up his call.

"How are you? Have you seen the news?"

I sat in front of Zach who already started eating. When I heard what he asked over the phone, I started wondering what's stated in the news. "What news?"

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