Chapter 2

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"If you really want someone to take care of you, you should always start by taking care of yourself."

- Zacharius, TDYSG (2020)


Samuel left me near the shore and I understand why. He must be hurt because I didn't answer his question or because he felt I still love Zach. He has the right to get mad at me and I can't blame him for that. It was me who put myself in this kind of situation so I should get my self out of here by making things right.

The universe must be very mad at me for no reason. All the boys I met before were gone. My Dad died when I was young to save me. Zach, my boyfriend who I pushed away because I don't want to break his heart. Damien, my best friend who left me because of Zach. And now, Samuel, who has been on my side since Zach left me.

Maybe it's my fault. Of course, I am the one who decided to push those people away. I should be responsible for the consequences.

I stand up and walk in the shore. My bare feet leave foot prints that are taken away by the waves. I can hear the rock music from somewhere but I can't hear it clearly. By the time I realized that I went too far, I decided to go back and find Samuel together with my friends.

This is a resort managed by Samuel's family. He intended to take us all here to get some air and take a break from the noise and pollution in the city. As I get near the suite, I can visualize a man sitting in front of my door. It was quite dark to see who it is but I know, by the shape of his body, it's him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

He raised his head to see who spoke and I saw his teary eyes. I wanted to hug him, to apologize, to make him feel comfortable like he used to do but I can't move.

"I left my keys and the staffs are asleep. I will take my luggage off your room," he answered as he wipe his tears. "I should go back to Manila."

"Sam-" I was about to say something but he cut me off. I feel bad and sorry for him.

"I want to return this as well," he took the bracelet off his pocket and handed me. "I don't have to keep this anymore."

I took a glance on the bracelet and I can't believe he is really doing this. This bracelet symbolizes our friendship but he is returning this to me now.

"No, Sam. You should keep it," I gave it back but he threw it away. "What?"

"I hope you don't mind. It's not important anyway." He took the key off my pocket and opened the door.

I followed him inside as he take his things off. He avoided my gazes and he ignored my presence. Maybe I deserve it because I hurted him.

"Sam, let's talk." He turned his back and look at me. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I-I figured out that I really love you, Sam."

"Don't fool yourself, Annastasia. I don't need your pity. Alam mo kung anong mali sayo? You don't know what love is." He walk closer to me as he speak. "No wonder Zach left you-"

I did not let him finish his opinion. I slapped him. His face turned red maybe it was hard for his white skin. Either way, I don't care anymore. He pushed me off my limit and I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Don't you dare talk about that. He did not leave me, I pushed him away!" I said as I point a finger on him.

"Yeah? Stop turning stories, Annastasia. Even if you broke up with him or you pushed him, it doesn't hide the fact that he left you!" He took his luggage and headed to the door. "Now, I understand why."

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