Chapter 25

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"There is no valid reason for lying because you have a choice to not do it in the first place."
- The Day You Said Goodbye (2020)


I was late on our meet-up. I have arrived too late to the place where we decided to see each other because I met Hailey and she was very furious upon knowing that I will not marry her. She's mad after knowing that the reason why I can't marry her is because I love her cousin.

Walking as fast as I can with the hope that she didn't stay to wait for me is a big challenge for me. I didn't see her in front of the Eiffel Tower, maybe she went to find a place to sit. I look around to find a place where she could possibly be sitting but what I saw broke my heart.

Annastasia is walking with a guy. I was about to call her but when I saw her smile, it made me feel that I'm useless for not being able to meet my girl on time and not being the reason of her laughters.

"Tash.." it was almost a whisper since I lost a huge amount of energy when I saw her walking with that person.

My steps were heavy as I follow them. They entered a house and I guess it was the guy's place. When he shut the door, there's no way I could see what they will do. That very moment, thoughts flooded on my mind and I can't accept those ideologies.

It took me long hours of waiting before she could get out of that freaking house. When I got the chance, I pulled her hands and took her to my car. We had a long fight as we head back to her house. She already knew about me and Hailey so I didn't have the chance to tell her about my father. We were just crying, especially me, because she's letting me go without trying to fight. It pains me seeing the girl you love do nothing about the chaos who pursue breaking us.

"Why can't you fight for me?" I asked and as usual, she didn't utter a word.

Annastasia went off my car when she was a block away to her house. Being alone inside the car, crying and contemplating about certain things made me do crazy things. I ran after her and I grabbed her hands to kiss her. I am expecting a slap from her but she responded to my kisses. They went deeper and deeper until one of us had to gasp for some air.

"I knew it," I said, knowing that she still loves me and her reason for pushing me away is only because she was really close with her cousin.

"I can't hurt her-"

"I will tell her tomorrow that it was my fault and-" I stopped from talking when I recognized an image of a woman in her back.

She was intently looking at us and when Annastasia turned to look at her, she slapped my girl. Hailey pulled her hair and they were in an intense fight and the only thing I could do to make them stop fighting is pulling Annastasia away.

I took her to my place and we talked about the things that has happened between us. This night was quite special as she gave herself to me. We had our firsts under the cold dark roof of my house. I actually don't know what to do but I just go with the flow and it happened.

The morning we woke up, I was in the news, accused of kidnapping the heiress of Heiltonn Empire. There's an urge that pushed me to run away so we did. She was scared as hell and I cannot think of another way to fight for her. I know, if they catch us, they'll part our ways until we never get any chance of meeting each other. The only thing that came into my mind is that we should fight together and so I dropped the car in the water.

It was the most dangerous and terrible idea I have ever thought. The time when her seatbelt couldn't be unbuckled, I panicked but I have thought of something to get her off that seat. We were trapped in the forest but I recognized the area. My grandmother used to ride a boat when we go to the city. I know that her house is at the end of this river and we only need to find the road.

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