Chapter 11

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"If you love someone, no pain will let you withdraw from loving him."
-Annastasia H.


I froze when he said that then memories keep flashing through my head making me remember every single thing he did for me. Zacharius turned himself as my shadow when we met back then. He chose the course which for him is unwanted just to stay beside me. He didn't take the internship in their company just to make me feel that he always stay on my side although my mom doesn't like him. He stayed by my side back then and I didn't even give a shit.

Zach was hurt, I know, but I'm hurt too. Following the decisions my mom wanted me to do is never easy and this life wasn't really meant for me but I have to live it because this is how I was born. I know, even how many times he flip the world, I will still fall to be Annastasia Heiltonn who's meant to continue my father's legacy and that means I must leave my self out of loving.

We are in a deep fascinating silence and the music from his stereo has nothing to give but cause for melancholy. It was something that I couldn't even take since its lyrics keep on pulling my guilt and expressing how excruciating being in love is.

Summer after high school, when we first met
We make-out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos
Used to steal your parents liquor and climb to the roof
Talk about our future like we had a clue
Never planned that one day I'd be losing you

His face was focused and he doesn't give a damn on what I do. The rage of his anger is seen on his face as his brows are arched towards it's other and continuously clenching his jaw. This aura shows more than just one emotion which, maybe, he's trying to conceal after having a confrontation.

"Zach..." I called but he didn't look at me. His face was fixed in one direction only.

Suddenly, I felt that we are moving fast and that scared me. Zacharius is not a reckless driver and he knew that I hated a person who drives drastic. My heart can't stop pounding fast as he added a bit speed and I know, if it will, we might get crashed. I held the seatbelt over my chest tight and I can't stop my feet from moving as fear suddenly sprouted inside me.

"Zach!" I shouted when a stry dog appeared. He swerved the dog and we went safe aside from gettung our heads banged from a rapid break.

He was crying as hell. He punched the driving wheel as much as he can do and dropped his face on it. "Why?!"

I know he's not referring to why I yelled his name or why we almost get into an accident. My heart was trembling and I can't hid the fear I felt but right now, I don't care anymore if I appear to be scared because I'm feeling his pain from how he sobs as he keep on asking why.

In another life, I would be your girl
We keep all our promises, be us against the world

The song continue to play and it breaks me when the lyrics filled my soul. I can't even think if what's more painful: seeing your lover crying or listening to this song while you were hurting.

In another life, I would make you stay

"Why can't you fight for me?" his voice was painful and it extends the pain to me. I can't help myself but to cry and look at him.

So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
The one that got away

"Can you stay by my side, Annastasia? I don't know how to live if I lose you again. I don't know how many months will it take me to get iver this thing. I don't know if how long should I stay this sad. Can you be the old Annastasia?" he asked with tears in his eyes and shattered voice.

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