Chapter 39

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"Our love was never written on purpose because we chose the path we have today."
- Annastasia, TDYSG (2020)


"Zacharius Voyage.."

As I mention his name, tears automatically fell. I found my knees trembling and my body weakens. Maximus pacified me and helped not to fall on the floor.

"Why am I so eager to meet him, Max? W-who is he to me?" I asked him. "Why am I feeling this sudden pain?"

"When you have your memories back, you will remember him. More than anyone else, it's you who could tell who Zach was to you. You don't have to force yourself, Anna. You'll be fine soon," he said while gently tapping my shoulder.

We stayed there for a couple of minutes. When I saw a familiar image of man, a memory flashed through my head. It's me crying over men, begging them not to kill my... dad.

"Dad?" I called out of the blue.

Maximus arched his brows while looking at me. I am actually touching the photo of a man who appears to be my father. I suddenly felt a deep longings to him. He already died, maybe that's one of the reasons why I am this sad.

"He's a great man, Anna. Uncle Manolo build an empire and you are currently taking care of it," he said with a smile on his face.

Mom came inside and held my hands. "Max, don't stress her with our business. Let her remember everything gradually."

"My bad, Aunt Cali. Anyway, I have to go back first. I still have to meet my boyfriend," he said which made me think.

"Wait," I uttered before he turned his back. "Y-You have a boyfriend?"

He gave me a smile before proudly showed the picture of his guy on his wallet. They kinda look good together. My head ached when I saw something on my vision. Images of his boyfriend being raped by men.

When Maximus touched me, I pushed him away. I got scared because of what I saw and I am certain that I saw him in my vision. Is he doing bad things to that guy?

"Anna, are you alright?" mom asked me with a touch of concern on her face. "What happened, dear?"

I stammered when I gave her an answer. "I-I remembered something mom. May I excuse myself?"

Mom was about to say something but I felt scared with Maximus' presence. It feels uncomfortable and my nonchalant sighs could tell how nervous I was.

As I walk away from them, I didn't notice that I went too far. When I looked back, I cannot see the van the we used. Mom wasn't on the vicinity too. I tried to ask for help but no one was around until a man came. He sat on the grass with a burried coffin below.

"Excuse me?" I called his attention but he didn't look at me. "Mister!"

It took me three calls before he heard me. He was actually wearing his earphones, causing him not to hear my calls. He coldly looked at me. Did I pissed him or something?

"What?!" he asked with an irritated tone. "What do you want?"

"I-I... C-Can you help me?" I replied before he returned his gazes to the name that was engraved on a piece of glass sheet.

"I came here to visit my dad," he started before I sat beside him. "He killed himself after realizing what he did. My dad is the greatest hero I ever met because I know, even if he did something wrong, he can always go back to what was right."

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