Chapter 21

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"It's good to feel the pain because it makes you feel alive."
-Belle V.


I tried to swerve off Belle's gazes as I know she doesn't believe what I just said. She held my shoulders to deny my lies.

"Anna, that movie's genre was comedy," she said and I was surprised. Now, I can't lie anymore but I can't say what brought my tears. "What really happened, Anna?"

Before I could answer her, an unexpected couple went to greet us. I don't want to see them and I guess, base on my reaction, Belle could tell who I saw with who.

"Hi, couz!" she greeted. Hailey's voice irritated me so much and so I just gave her a bored look. "Why are you here?"

"Don't call me 'couz' please. We are not cousins," Belle coldly said when Hailey attempted to kiss her cheek. "We're leaving now."

"Oh! I didn't notice your presence, Annastasia," Hailey teasingly said. "Maybe because you're not noticeable at all, right Zachy?"

Zacharius glared at me. He wear his serious and unbothered look as he gave me a head-to-toe look. "Mmm," he simply said.

"See? By the way, are you going to watch that? Well, we just watched it and it's so funny. Zachy cannot hold his laughters while watching that," she said.

Liar. Zach doesn't like comedy movies. I could tell as he hated lame jokes and pranks. She must be dreaming. What a desperate woman.

"Annastasia, did you asked?" Belle sarcastically asked me, intended to annoy my cousin. "I think you didn't-"

"Well, she won't ask because she haven't moved on yet. What a pity," she said, cutting Belle from annoying her.

My jaw clenched. "How sure are you? I think it's you who can't get over."

"Blah blah. Assume all you want. Look at yourself. Jealousy is visible and it's smelly," she poked my shoulder which made me step back. Zach remained quiet and careless.

"Babe!" a voice called, suddenly appearing from Zach's side. "Are you done shopping?" he asked. I gave him a wondering look but his wink made the idea clear.

"Yes, babe. Belle and I just finished but my cousin saw us and decided to have a petty chit chat with us," I gave her a teasing look since she cannot believe what she just saw.

"Why so quiet, Hailey? You didn't expect to see Anna's boyfriend here?" Belle butt in. This time, I knew she just followed the flow because she pinched my back.

"I missed you," Vince said, giving me a charming smile. There's a sudden idea that popped on my head and I know this will humiliated Hailey from what she said.

Since Vince is taller than me and his hand wrappe my waist, I touched his chest and reached his lips. Yes, I kissed him and it was deep. "I missed you too."

Even though he was surprised, he responded with a smile. I look at Hailey and disbelief plastered on her face. I turned my gazes to Zach and I didn't expect what he did.

"Fuck you, opportunist!" he exclaimed after rapidly pushing Vince.

Everyone was surprised. I stopped Vince from responding with violence because it would be humiliating if we make a scene here in the mall. Hailey also held Zach's arm to stop him.

"I think, you know now who haven't moved on from who," Belle meaningfully said before asking us to move out.

The irritation and embarrassment on Hailey's face made me smile. I won this time. Thanks to Belle and Vince. We headed to the parking lot where Samuel parked his car.

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