Chapter 5

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"How can you judge love if you have never experienced being inlove? Of course you can't because love isn't the subject at all."

- Zacharious V.


My name has been circulating in different headlines. The media consumed most of their time just to get an interview and I am not fond of it. Their questions are similar to one another and repeating every word I have said is annoying.

I still can't believe what happened. A week ago, I was just a simple lady who escaped from her mom and now, I'm the heiress that people have been looking for years.

Since the day I came in this empire, Uncle David taught me everything I should know. He gave me the position since I came back. I asked him to stay beside me as I am new in this field and I can say that I have no experience at all.

"Good morning, Lady Anna," greeted by someone behind my back.

I turn around to look who came in my office and I saw Max in his formal suit. Since I came here, I never had a chance to interact with my cousin like we used to when we were young. I cleared my throat and stand still.

"Maximus, I want to go out," I said in authoritative manner.

"I can tour you around, Lady Anna, but that should be this afternoon since you have bunch of errands this morning," he responded in his usual cold tone.

"No, not here. I want to out and eat," I said while pouting. "I want some time with my uncle and my favorite cousin."

"Lady Anna-"

"Drop the formalities," I stated to cut him off. He sighed and gave me an unbelievable look.

"Don't waste your time in senseless matters. You are not just a mere kid anymore, Anna." he told me like a father or something.

"Tss, don't be silly. Didn't you miss me?" I asked and acted like a supposed cousin.

"I didn't. Now, fix yourself because the directors are waiting for you," he spoke before he turned his back.

"Epal. Alam ko namang miss niya ako. He's unbelievable!" I uttered which I think loud enough for him to hear.

"6 pm, let's go somewhere," he said before closing the door. I smiled suddenly and laughed. I knew it, he cannot resist me.

I fixed myself and went out of my office. Servants started walking behind me while guards are heading my way. They lead me to a conference hall where I saw people in crowded situation.

"This way, Lady-"

I didn't let my assistant to finish what she was about to say. "Tell them to open the big gates and make these people breathe in that spacious area."

"Lady Anna, if we open the gates--"

"Just do as you were told," I ordered her.

I walked into Uncle David's office but before I could enter, Maximus pulled my hand. He took me in a vacant room where no one could hear us.

"What were you thinking?!" he yelled and I was surprised.

"What do you mean? Why are you yelling?" I asked him but he gave me audible breaths.

"Maybe you are not the heiress we expect you to be," he said before leaving me dumbfounded inside this quiet room.

He said that right in my face and that hurts. I didn't want to be the heiress they expect me to be. I wanted to be myself. I wanted to walk without servants following me and being guarded to secure if I'm doing right. I just want to be myself.

After a moment, I wiped the tears off my cheek and went in the main veranda. I could see everyone from here. I stand up behind the podium as people began to set the silence.

"Good day, everyone," I started my speech. "Today, I would like to formally introduce myself as the heiress of my dad. From now on, I will be leading the Heiltonn Empire under the supervision of Mr. David Heiltonn, my uncle. I would like to open up the gates, also, so people could come and visit the-"

I didn't finish my speech. People started talking as if they were not for what I am saying. The flickering sounds of cameras and the mixed up voices of people filled the whole space. I look in the eyes of the directors beside me and I could see the reflection of dismay in them.

Uncle David then pat my shoulders as if he is giving me motivation to speak up. I heaved a deep breath and started talking once more.

"Listen — when I was a kid, I was kept in private to prevent people from knowing that I am still alive. I have lived my life like that for many years, bounded by walls that hinders me to connect and interact with people. I know that we have our own dreams just like how children in the streets want to see what's behind these big walls. People only knew the name of empire and the things it contribute to the society but they don't know what's inside." I spoke as silence continue to deafen my ears.

"So what are you proposing?" asked by the director beside Uncle David.

"I would like to open up the gates — to see people and such situations where we could help. I would want to hear what people need so that we can move to give them what they supposed to have." I answered confidently.

"Lady Anna, with all due respect, this empire is exclusive for business not for charity works. We are not part of the government so why should we open up the gates and help those who are in need?" one from the board members asked.

"Because we are capable of doing so. We can help people so they could help--"

I was shut by loud yells from the crowd. People were in a chaotic scenario as a banging sound of gun came to stop the tranquility of the meeting. I felt a pain on my shoulder and it makes me groan in pain.

I saw Maximus move to get me but my eyes were too heavy to stay awake. Before my eyes shut, I saw him fall before me.

I FELT THE COLDNESS of the place where I took my rest. I could hear the beeping sound of the machine and the deafening silence of this spacious white room. I can't be wrong, this is a hospital.

I look around to see who's watching me and I saw a figure of a woman in a corner. It's my mom, there's no way I couldn't guess it right.

"M-mom?" I uttered but it was more of a whisper.

I groan in pain when I felt something on my shoulder. I took a glance on it and I saw a bandaged wound. I tried reaching my shoulder but I can't.

"What were you thinking, Annastasia?!" she yelled at me and that startled me at all. "Those gates were closed for years because people threatened the empire."

"I want to open the empire for the people," I answered while I try to sit. I sighed in dismay, of course, my mom wouldn't care if I almost die or what.

"Because of your incompetence, you set the whole Heiltonn Empire in danger. Do you know how many directors and board members died?!" she angrily asked.

"T-they died?" I was surprised. I thought I am the only one.

"...even David." When mom uttered his name, my whole body trembled. I can't believe he died.

I cried hysterically. It was my fault. If I didn't gave the order to open the gates, armed men would not come. People would not die only if I listen. I thought, the greatest power comes from an authoritative person but I never knew it was a curse to have such power.

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